This, which I am writing about, may sound weird. But I hope you read it… and give me a help or advices… I am an international student and came to US four years ago. I came here with great hope and ambition to be successful. Overcoming language barriers and adjusting in different culture was much harder than I had expected. But, I have studied really really hard. I am not smart at all. My brain is kind of stupid. I have lost numerous items that I cared so much. I think I can write a book just listing the items that I have lost. One day, I packed a luggage to go visit my friend in different state. Next morning, I got up, took a shower and went to airport without the luggage. Anyway, I came here to succeed. And to succeed, I had to go to great college in US. Because getting job is extremely competitive in Korea, it became a culture that only people who graduated from prestigious colleges are welcomed. I studied and studied. In junior year, I solved more than 25 SAT books, bought a SAT vocabulary book called Wordsmart I+II (about 1650 words contained) and memorized the whole vocabs seven times. Just making 1650 flash cards took me four to five days. To do all these in junior year, I had been able to sleep only five hours a day. However, the hard work paid and I made 2110 in SAT and got accepted into UNC Chapel Hill. I was sooo happy and even happier when I thought about rewarding my parents for what they had done to me. They have invested in me so much although my dad earned a little only because they wanted me to succeed. My dad’s salary is $51,000 and $25,000 of it has been spent for me (Homestaying costs $20,000 and high school tuition is $5,000) and $18,000 for my sister who is planning to go to college in Korea. So they only have $8,000 a year to keep them from going to debt. Or they already are in debt and just keeping the truth from me. The older I got, the more I felt sorry for my parents. Only because of me, they have to be restrained from eating delicious food, wearing nice clothes, going to vacation, etc. And this was all because of me who did not give them a penny to help! Thinking about this always broke my heart and I have been waiting so long to go to college quickly and get a job to reward my parents. However… here is the problem. The cost for attending UNC for international students is too high for my family to pay. It is $40,000 and they do not give me any financial aid… So I applied other 21 colleges to get financial aid and I got rejected from 18 colleges and got into waiting list for the other 3 colleges. It was a shock. I could apply to other less prestigious colleges with financial aid, but if I do that, I won’t be successful in Korea. So I didn’t apply and decided my mind to go to UNC. But now,,, because of my decision, my mom quit her community service in her church and started to work. Moreover, my family is now going to debt to pay for my education. I am the one who caused this tragedy but I couldn’t help it. There is a chance that I can apply to a random college and get financial aid but I want to succeed and reward my parents big! It is so frustrating and nowadays, I think I wasted my four years for nothing but ruining my family. I’ve already searched internet and tried to get scholarships, but they are either reluctant to give any scholarship to foreign students or provide only a little amount of money (about $1,000-2,000) which I had applied and haven’t heard anything from. So… what I want to ask you is that… can you help me paying for tuition for UNC either by money or giving me a way to get any money… I know it’s really vague but if you do so, I will pay you back as soon as possible or with even more money or times that money if I can afford. You can sue me if I don’t keep the promise… Help me once… consider me as a promising company and you are investing in it. I understand if you think I am a dumb or maniac because I would think so if I were you. But I am contemplating hard to write this, dreaming that I might get any help…. My dream is to be a fund manager specializing in international trade and I really do have a confidence that I can be successful. Please help………………………. Please please. My source of thinking and acting all come from my family. I will never give up or failing to succeed because both my source and my goal is my family. I may give up myself but not my family. That’s how I’m moving and that’s how I made 2110 in SAT after three years of studying English. Please help… Here is my email address if you need.