Chicago Pride this Sunday show
2010th as
Pridefest Chicago called the year 2010. This will display the pride of Chicago in 1941. Whole gay company in Chicago and throughout the
country was still working for equal
rights and acceptance, and visibility, and pride for the
weekend is an opportunity to be
one of the thousands of homosexuals, such as thinking and local communities, to celebrate who we are and there is no
reason for that.
If you want to be part of the
Chicago 2010 pridefest only take the mask, and even better to go with your identity and show that you have free memory.
Chicago Pride Parade 2010 road map is available at various locations on the Internet, which can be obtained here.
Can be verified by a variety show pride in Chicago on the
Internet in various places on the internet. It is recommended that you go if you want to have fun, and dare to be part of, and public support weird.
FridayBeginning at 16:00 on
Friday, Waveland and Halsted will be a place for celebrations on the weekend of pride is the beginning of Northalsted Pride Festival. 7 The amount in dollars, you can view 80 pop star Tiffany and cloud shows. There will also be food vendors and many fellow gays.
SaturdayOnce every two years, Dyke March organizer in Chicago, a new site in town to hold the annual parade. This year the parade will take place in the district of South
Beach, in an effort to "build relationships and promote social justice in conflict looks more South Beach street." March in action, 71 Jeffrey Avenue. And ended in Jackson Park, where music and other presentations. Everyone is welcome, but most women would be abnormal.
SundayA slam and Gatorade for the use of the time continued to show - it.
Chicago Pride Parade steps
off at 2010 on Sunday afternoon, and probably will attract thousands of people to discard pills Halsted
Street North, dance, and, of course, all gay and gay colleagues celebrate its allies.