My major question is what is an IRA and how do I choose the best bank to get one and if it is a good idea?
Open Question: First time buyer help!!!!!!! plssssssss?
Hi all, we are buying our very first home and everything is a mess right now. Here's is the situation: We found a nice house which is in our budget, and the owner says that he wants move out in June 2010, and we are looking to move in somewhere around May 2010. We have everything arranged, like mortgage, deposit and stuff. A friend recommended a mortgage broker , he was very quick at first, but the day we paid him the survey fee, he is just ignoring us! he is out on holidays, never returns our calls. Only way we can reach him is by texting. At the end of every conversation he assures us that everything is going to be done the next day. Then the estate agent calls us saying that we are not serious about buying this property, he thinks we don't even have a mortgage. so this has been going on and on since 2nd april 2010. every one keeps telling us that surveys don't take that long, and should've been done by now. Now the Estate agent called me and said that the Owner of the house is getting nervous and he is taking the property off the market, because the elections are near and he wanted to sell this house before elections. We are renting at the moment and have told our landlord (he's a very nice guy) that we will definitely move out by end of may 2010, i know he can't throw us out but still , word of mouth matters.... anyway wat to do now????????????????????? pls can anyone advise?
Open Question: Can I trademark a name used to describe a group of people? (i.e. "Totally Rad Surfers")?
Please bare with me, this might get cheesy. Let's pretend for a minute that I own Tubular Surf Co. (this entity is fictional, as far I know). At Tubular Surf Co., our workers are known as the "Totally Rad Surfers". We are able to sell surfboards (the only product we carry) thanks to our employees, who make some of the surfboards and keep the other ones in mint condition until they are sold. Could I trademark the name (Totally Rad Surfers) which would refer to the company's employees (not the surfboards) and what they do for the company? (Can the employees be considered trademarkable goods or services?) Also, if it IS possible, what classification of service or good would they fall under? I appreciate any help!
Open Question: SF Bay Towns / Neighborhoods...?
I'm considering moving out to the SF Bay area. The problem is I'm looking to rent a 2 / 3 bedroom apartment, for under $1500 (hopefully much cheaper if possible). I want it to be in a nice neighborhood with little risk of crime and be fairly close to SF (maybe a 30 minute drive max, or on the BART or something). Anyone have any suggestions of where to look? Also, more importantly - what neighborhoods and towns are best to stay away from? I don't know the area at all so I don't know what shady areas to stay away from...
Open Question: Whats a good idea for a campaign video?
Im running for senior class president and we have to do a campaign Video to get people to vote for us. I want to do something funny but not stupid.
Open Question: will i ever get hired again if i got fired from my last job?
so i got fired for being tardy for my third time. How can i ever get hired again?? and more than likely i lost one of the best references i could have i been with this company for three years. when applications ask "which employers do you NOT want us to contact" is it good to fill that part out? i want to show them that Im honest but how can i let them know that i've learned from my mistake. Besides this company was laying people off left and right and i was working different job positions everyday. i served in room service as a server, hostess, food runner, and i wasnt getting promoted.
Open Question: TAXES Question: I live in MD, I'm moving to DE mid year and I work in PA. HELP!!!?
I currently live in Elkton, Maryland and work right over the line in Pennsylvania. Up until now, taxes have been easy because I don't have to file a PA return because the states reciprocate. However, I am moving to Delaware at the end of August and I will still be working in PA. How is this going to work come tax time? Am I going to take a major loss by having to file 3 state returns? PLEASE ADVISE!!!
Open Question: AT&T with holding my money?
I have been having an on going battle with AT&T since November. For a long time I just had their internet, and in order to have it I had a land line, which I never used. In November I got their U-Verse Cable, and an internet that didn't require a land line phone. I told them to end my land line service, and I was even understanding when I found out that they had not...thought that since I just started out maybe someone had gotten confused. I called them, and they assured me that they would take care of it. Now I'm not so understanding, seeing as I've had to tell them 3 or 4 times to stop charging me for this land line. I'm kicking myself now, because I didn't look at my bills closely enough, I was young and foolish, and so I continued to pay for it. Back in March I talked to someone at the company, and he told me that I would be getting a check, sometime in April, well it's almost May and I haven't gotten it. So I called them a couple days ago about it, and they told me that they would take the issue to a special department that is there to deal with this problem. Today they finally got around to calling me back, and told me that they "took care of the billing problem", whatever it was they didn't tell me, and that I should be getting my check after the next cycling problem, May 26th. Well that's another huge problem for me, because like most of the people in this country I'm really hurting for cash right now, and because of that I'm moving to another state May 22nd. I was planning on having the remainder of the AT&T bills for my roommate, and not have anything sent to me in my new location. Now it would seem that in order to get my money, if they actually send it, I would have to me in my new location after all. So, if anyone is informed on Law or Business, or anything else that would help me, can you tell me what I should do here? How can I get my money sooner? Are there any other actions I should take against AT&T?
Open Question: List of companys beginning with P and ending with C?
Ok, so I need to know all the companies that have names that begin with P and end in C DON'T ASK Questions PLEASE TELL ME :(
Open Question: can i claim my petrol back on my own?
I am thinking of leaving my employment as i cant afford to keep putting petrol in out of my wages. I can claim back 40p per mile, if i left could i claiim it back myself?
Open Question: Phil had an unpaid balance of $1,854.50 on his credit card statement at the beginning of December.?
Phil had an unpaid balance of $1854.50 on his credit card statement at the beginning of December He made a payment of $45 during the month If the interest rate on Phil's credit card was 2.5% per month on the unpaid balance find the finance charge and the new balance on January 1 Finance charge = $44.47; new balance = $1,853.97 Finance charge = $50.47; new balance = $1,859.97 Finance charge = $56.50; new balance = $1,866.00 Finance charge = $46.36; new balance = $1,855.86
Open Question: What are the correct steps I need to take to start a online shoe store?
Also where can I recieve a list of great wholesalers for women heels and flat. High fashion expensive shoes and with affordable prices?
Open Question: What do I need to open a cafe?
Okay here's the deal. I'm looking to open a cafe, but I want to incorporate a jungle gym/creche for kids. I'm not sure of anything that I would have to do for this. Like if I would need any specific qualifications or certificates...! If anyone can give me any advice that would be wicked! Thanks!!
Open Question: I had a phone interview and I was wondering?
I had a phone interview. The job is great. Anyway what do hiring managers look for in an interview. I answered the questions, but I was nervous. She said it was the first round screening and if they chose my resume then the would call me back. I wasn't prepared I didn't think she would ask me questions on the spot. I even said I wasn't prepared to ask her questions, but I asked some anyway. I know your not suppose to say you not prepared, but I was very nervous. She asked me a few questions about my other jobs. Like I have a degree and she asked if i was looking for employment in that field and i told her i was, but im thinking about going back to school. She said what would i go back for and i said not sure then i said if i was hired with a company i would go back for training for the position i held. HR please help me? Is it bad she didn't ask me to come in for an interview or is that the normal process they go through is phone screening?
Open Question: i let someone else claim one of my kids on this years tax returns because they helped take care of them,?
Open Question: Should this venture be regarded as entrepreneurial? Is the owner a true?
CASE STUDY Following is a statement in which a business owner attempts to explain and justify his preference for slow growth in his business: I limit my growth pace and make every effort to service my present customers in the manner they deserve. I have some peer pressure to do otherwise by following the advice of experts â€" that is, to take on partners and debt to facilitate rapid growth in sales and market share. When tempted by such thoughts, I think about what I might gain. Perhaps I could make more money, but I would also expect a lot more problems. Also, I think it might interfere somewhat with my family relationships, which are very important to me. Questions: 1. Should this venture be regarded as entrepreneurial? Is the owner a true entrepreneur? 2. Do you agree with the philosophy expressed here? Is the owner really doing what is best for his family? 3. What kinds of problems is this owner avoiding?
Open Question: What fashion/make-up/clothes stores take teenagers as part time?
I really want a job. I need to be productive and I need to get ahead by working in these stores at a a young age. Being in beauty and fashion is my expertise, it's what I love and crave and I need a job but I also need it for money too. I'm starting college soon and as much money as I can get will help me allot. My mother doesn't give me money. I'm 15, on June the 6th I'm 16. I live in Derby.
Open Question: i want to ask abt medical case for cannada?
i want to know i have applied for canda under fast track for computer instructor i am waiting for my medical but here is problem i have proble with my eye sight my left eye sight is very very weak i want ot know is there any problem in my case due to this my case will be refuse. plz tell me nd help me
Open Question: i need some advice!!!?
my boyfriend and i have been together for almost 3 years, for the last year he has been well to put it nicely an ass. he is sarcastic and rude ,he has no respect for my family. he has tried to be violent once, he is always insulting, he is bossy, and i am just plain tired of it. i have asked him to leave a number of times but he refuses to budge. he sad id have to call the cops if i want him to leave and then he threatened me he would be violent if i called the police. and that he wont leave until our lease is up in august. what should i do. please help!!!
Open Question: i need help for posting something on craigslist( under casual encounters)?!?!?
im trying to post an add for a one night stand with me. but it keeps saying when i hit continue post is blocked. i put in my email adress in the poisting description but i space everything out like the yahoo part and my name and erased the .com. also where it say "reply to" i know thats where they send me messages but what do i type in ther like my email adress or my account username or what. help me cuz im horny jkjkjkjk:)
Open Question: How do I pay something with my credit card using paypal without setting up a paypal account?
Open Question: How to account for prepaid insurance paid in installments?
If our business commits to an insurance policy for 1 year and pay 5 premiums of 50,000 in jan, feb, mar, april, and may. When should we record the expense and for how much and into what accounts.
Open Question: Joint Tenancy Agreement United Kingdom?
Ok so there are 5 of us sharing a house from the 1st of July for a year in a joint agreement and one of us has dropped out and moved home to another city (because he dropped out of university) We have tried and not been very successful to find another housemate and now are worried because we can't afford the cost of the rent between four of us? What happens come the first of July if we don't have another house mate? Legally where do we stand? I don't want to wait until the first of July for him to turn around and kick us out we do have a £200 Deposit but that's not a be all and end all Any help really appreciated
Open Question: how long will my usps priority mail take?
I sent a priority mail package at the local post office (hours are 8am-4pm i believe) around 3:30 to a town just 30miles away. Will it arrive the next day?
Open Question: pharmacy technician job duties and salary in california?
I am thinking to get my pharmacy technician certificate. What are job duties for Pharmacy Technician and what is the salary? I live in Ca. When you are in school, what they teach you and what subjects I have to be good at? like math, biology or chemistry? please advise. Thank you.
Open Question: I'm 13 and want a real job how can i get one?
I want a real job not babysitting (done that) yard work (done that) lemonade or craft sales (done that) and i cant pet sit because i'm allergic to animals. I have been doing odd jobs like putting the dishes away, feeding that cat and dusting. I don't want to sell anything because i donate all of my clothes and old shoes. When was the youngest you started working, or getting paid. I have experience in theater if that helps but i'm also very interested in fashion and the environment. if you don't think any job opportunities would be available what about an internship?
Open Question: hey im ging for a check up at the doctorsand im 15 what do they do for check ups when u are a teenger!?
Open Question: I have a new job, please recommend me some books/websites?
I have a new job working for a custodian bank as a valuations admin... I want to get some knowledge about my work and can someone recommend me any good books or websites I can use?? My duties are: Accurate and timely reconciliation and control of assigned funds that include • Cash • Stock • Other assets • Income and Expense Completion of accurate and complete periodic Net Asset Valuations (NAV)
Open Question: what can i claim if i resign from work?
Im wanting to resign from work, but i have a one year old baby and live in private rented accommodation. I know job seekers allowance can be suspended, but will i be able to claim Income support? No where on the web (that i can find) has any information regarding benefits i can claim if i want to quit work... so help please?
Open Question: What makes better financial sense...?
To purchase a used car (2005) for $15,000 at 9.9% interest for 60 months. (Payment $317/month) or a new car (2010) for $25,000 at 3.9% interest for 72 months (Payment $398/month)
Open Question: advertising on my website?
I have a website and it ranges from around 1500 page views a week. I just set it up on yola and was wondering how to get companies to advertise and what would be a good rate to charge say a month?
Open Question: What BHP would need to have in place to successfully implement performance management.?
Open Question: Can anyone recommend apartments in San Jose?
Looking for a safe location that is close to (or in) downtown. Close to nightlife. Age: twenty somethings to early thirty. Rent maximum $1500 or so? Any suggestions? Please provide the name of the complex you recommend. Thanks!
Open Question: L&G Tracking Funds in an ISA...?
Hi, I've got a Legal and General Stocks and Shares ISA with a FTSE Tracking Fund in it. Does anyone know if it's possible to invest in more than one fund in one of these ISAs, e.g. also invest in the Asia Pacific Fund? Ta
Open Question: where can i find females that want 2 sext?
hi ive been looking 4 a sexting partner that is female 2 trade dirty texts nd photos.ive been lookin 4 about 2 weeks w no success.if u no a site let me no or if u may b interested send me a text at 781 854 8394
Open Question: I need to find my checking account routing number...?
My bank is closed today but I need my routing number. I can't find my checkbook. The only thing I can find is a deposit receipt. My account number is on there, would my routing number be too? For what it's worth I bank at United Bank, which is pretty much contained here in West Virginia.
Open Question: jute bag buyer USA, How Can I find out USA importer or buyer? Which company want to jute bag.?
Open Question: What foundations are willing to give money to small businesses such as museums, libraries, etc.?
Open Question: what are personal loans and how can i get one for 5 thousand dollars?
Need info on personal loans or any other way i would be able to borrow 5 thousand dollars to get back on my feet financially. I currently have past due bills and rent, and need some way to be caught up.
Open Question: What account is right for me on QuestTrade?
There's a few choices such as a margin account or TFSA etc. For me I have my own money ($1000) and would like to risk my own cash on investing stocks oppose to borrowing money from the brokerage. Which account is best suited for my needs and also a TFSA has a limit of only $5000 which is garbage say I want to invest more. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance,
Open Question: Are there telemarketing jobs online where you can do at home? or do you hve to go to Convergys or like that?
Are there telemarketing jobs online where you can do at home? or do you hve to go to Convergys or like that? Can you do telemarketing at home and they pay you a certain amouint or do you have to find a place like convergys; any help would be appreciated; does anyone know anything specific or a place to go online; thanks
Open Question: ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)?
When investing in ETFs in a Roth IRA, do you have to pay fees to the companies who ETFs you are investing in?
Open Question: What licenses and permits required for 26000 GVW tow truck business in Chester Co. PA?
Open Question: Insurance agent lied to me. What can I do?
My father was hospitalized and had to be admitted to the ICU. As he began recovery, he was declared "medically stable" and transferred to another floor. He has a terminal illness but this was not his time to pass. His insurance agent contacted us and told us that when he was in ICU he was covered but that since he transferred out of ICU they would no longer cover his medical expenses and gave us a few options. 1. Stay and pay ourselves. 2. Transfer him home. 3. Send him to a rehab center which was covered under his insurance. (14 days of coverage. Perhaps enough time for him to recover before returning home.) We could not afford to pay ourselves. (Who can?) He was not in any shape to go home unless we were willing to let him deteriorate and pass at home. So we opted for the third option. Our family spent the entire last day at the hospital finding how the rehab center worked and what it offered for my father. After checking into the rehab center we found out that the insurance company would have covered 100% of my father's stay after he left the ICU. I contacted the agent and asked her why she lied to me and she responded that they cannot pay after the doctors dismissed him. I hung up the phone satisfied but then I realized that I spoke with her on a Monday and the doctors decided to dismiss him on Tuesday. This made me realize that she really did lie since her story was not consistent. What can I do? I would like for her to have some consequence for her unethical practice.
Open Question: what are career scope in finance and marketing for MBA freshers?
studying MBA, which field should i opt to get a high paid job easily. i am non-commerce background. plz help.
Open Question: is there a tax or charge in the Ninoy Aquino International Airport if i bring 1 flatscreen for personal use?
Open Question: Where can I find very cheap apartments in jacksonville Fl?
I am an 18 year old who is looking to support myself and I need to know where I could find the cheapest apartments anywhere in Jacksonville, Fl
Open Question: Foreclosure on a house?
So my husband and i had to move out of state due to him losing a job and getting another one in another state. We wrote the bank a hardship letter, gave them financial information etc so we could work something out so we could keep our house back in California. Right now we have a tenant in it paying 1,400 a month but our house payments are 1622 plus 75 for the property manager. My husband now makes 2700 a month and we have to pay 900 in rent here. Anyways, my question is, our bank denied us modification to our loan. We have yet to default because we were hoping they would help us out but we really can't afford to keep it. How long does a foreclosure take? What is the process? How long will it stay on our credit reports? Thanks
Open Question: If I leave work on medical grounds can I receive Job Seekers Allowance?
I am having alot of problems in work with management and my colleagues who are related to them. I have been signed off on stress leave and my doctor said that she can not see me returning to work for quite a while with whats going on. I have self harmed and ended up in hospital when I came to write a grievance and so my doctor has told me to leave it for a few weeks and then pick it back up again. I think doing a grievance is very stressful to me, and more stressful because I know that nothing will change if I return to work. Things will only get worse. I know this because another member of staff has put in a grievance about similar issues and they still continue to get bullied by colleagues and management. I have an appointment again with my doctor next Friday and she has already told me that she has no doubt in signing me off sick again. I'm not enjoying being out of work at the moment and am desperate to find a new job and cut my loses with my current place of work, and not have the hassel of a grievance. I am aware that it is illegal to look for work and go on interviews whilst on sick leave and obviously can not pay rent and bills if I just quit my job. I have looked at information on the internet regarding Job Seekers Allowance and have seen that I am not entitled to it if I just quit my job. So I was wondering, if I speak to my doctor, would she be able to sign me off work completely due to medical grounds and advise that I look for other work. If so, I can then claim job seekers and actively look for another job which is the only solution I can think of. Im a bit hazey regarding benefits as Ive not claimed benefits before and have always worked since I left school (I am now 22 years old).
Open Question: I am recieving housing benefit as i am out of work. Why do the council want to visit me at home?
I have been receiving housing benefit for 3 months now as I was made redundant from my job. My circumstances have not changed and I am still looking for work. I have received a letter in the post saying that the council will be making a home visit. Why is this? Please can you help? What will they need to see from me?
Open Question: I am considering a 50/50 partnership, but I am investing all the money and have all of the experience.?
I'm starting a company with a friend who I live with. I am investing the money, in his defense he signed a contract to repay his half. I have a lot more knowledge about the industry than he does and again, I am investing my money not his. I don't want to ruin the friendship, nor do I want to lose money. How can I insure his loyatly to the company and commitment to repay my investment, as well as making him a partner in half the profit. Or can I make myself 100% owner and he gets 50% of the profits, but it terms of control I have the final say.
Open Question: How to answer nosy acquaintances who ask, "Did you find a job yet?"?
I have been unemployed for over a year until now and many people whom I thought were my friends (including a friend I helped get a job) kept asking me, "did I find a job yet?" and I would answer no, it's very hard. However, they never gave me any suggestions or ideas to help me- So, I don't feel the need to tell them anything b/c they didn't help me. How should I answer their questions like did I find a job, how did i get it and where do I work since I just go a job?
Open Question: Why are some things more expensive on ebay than in retail or online stores?
I was recently looking up prices for a Casio fx 9860GII Calculator and saw that on ebay the prices ranged anywhere from $60-$140. Even not Looking at the SD models, Some still sell for more than $80. I find this funny because new from amazon, Casio, or newegg is only $70-$80. Are people not doing their research when bidding? Anyone know why?
Open Question: What is Wal-Mart & Targets SIC code?
I'm doing a financial statement analysis on the 2 companies and need to compare them to industry averages. I can't find their SIC code anywhere.
Open Question: Fifth Third Bank discontinued inactivity fee on their Credit Cards?
I received a notice last year that Fifth Third had implemented a $19 inactivity fee on their credit cards. I had a balance on the card that was paid off in the last couple months. So I called to cancel the account (I'm not willing to have a card that may charge me even if I don't use the card) and they told me that they discontinued the fee as of March. But, they aren't (and won't be) sending out any written notification of this change, and everything on their site still shows an inactivity fee. Has any one else been told this from Fifth Third? I'd like to keep the account open, for the credit score implications, but I'm a bit worried that they're not putting anything in writing.
Open Question: Position sizing and currency conversion?
Hi i have a question about determining position size in currencies. now i know from the stock market this position size equation $Risk / Ssize = No of shares. now i have managed to convert this to $risk / Pip(x10) = Volume. (pips must be x10 because of the $10 return on Std lots.) So if i risk $1000 by 20 pips. (1000 / 200 = 5 ). equals 5 Std Lots. but this is only correct in my base currency (AUD) So if i buy the EUR/USD for example. the risk will be more then 2 %. Do you have any ideas on how to take this formula and add a currency conversion to it, this needs to work for all currencies.
Open Question: Does anyone know where I can get a job?
Does anyone know of an entry level job opening in a restaurant in Philadelphia? I am in desperate need of a job, and I plan to start college at The Art Institute of Philadelphia in July. If, it helps any, I have a GPA of 3.67 and I come from a school that teaches strict disciplinary actions. Please, any suggestion will do.
Open Question: who can make money from family practice doctors?
via referrals etc .I'm just wondering what type of business are supported by these doctors. I would like to get into business.
Open Question: How can i get a line of credit if i just started a business one week ago?
im intrested in getting a line of credit for my little business that i started in high school thanks
Open Question: what will the average american spend $500.00 on in the year 2010?
im trying to find this answer as a trivia question on the radio, its probably something small and simple, but i need to know asap!
Open Question: will my landlord evict me if....?
i let my dad move in temporarily with my brother. that was last september.... they haven't paid any rent, utilities, they eat all of my boyfriends and my food. they have trashed my apartment. in short, i'm now 4 grand in debt because of their shenanigans. i want them out NOW. i want to start the eviction process, theyve been here long enough to be a resident but are not on the lease. my dad constantly tells me that i'ma b*tch, im selfish, im a loser, im an idiot, ect. he bombards me with so much verbal abuse. i even have to take medication because of all the stress i'm under. im depressed, i have an anxiety disorder, all of which my dr has related back to the stress of my dad moving in. my rental agreement stated that i can't let people move in unless they're on the lease, i don't want to break my lease but i cannot endure the problems they are causing.
Open Question: have you ever said something dumb at a job interview?
Today I had my first job interview at sams club and one question she asked me was, whats one rule that you have to follow that you agree with? Well the first rule that popped into my head was the no tolerance for fighting at my school. Haha so I said that and talked about how you should respect others and be kind. But when I was done talking she looked surprised and in a sarcastic way was like, "oh so no fighting?" so two questions. Honestly do you think I f**ked it up? And how did your first job interview go?
Open Question: Husband looking for work!?
Ok I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years which in some counties legally puts us as husband and wife. We have 2 beautiful babies 5 and 19 month both girls. When I first met him he was working a 8-10 hour job at our local truck stop making about 400 every two weeks. At this time we only had our now 5 yr old. I meet a now ex friend of mine on mom's cafe website and she told me of a job he could get. Well after three weeks of working the 11-7 shift and getting no sleep barely he got the job. The placement was called St Marks Powder Plant in St.Marks Florida only about an hour from where we live now. We moved closer to his job and he worked there for 3 years until Bush made is law that no one can work a state or state related job if they have probation on their record being Juvie or not. Wel after 3 dedicated years at this plant he was let go. He would then find work at a junk yard only to be promised a job closer to home. Well that job fell through and the manager was just pulling his leg. He never got the job and since was told he was getting a new one he informed his boss with a 2 week notice. Well that was 6 months ago and still no work. His father is our neighbor and a retired vet. Sadly he cant move away from here due to his dad's mental state. I on the other hand have put in to letting him know where ever the best pay is im going. Well hes still is out of work as of today and is still looking. Can anyone that is in the Tallahassee Florida to Thomasville Georgia area please help me find a job for him. I am also looking but I am willing to relocate like I said if the pay is good along with good hours. I love him dearly but as my policy goes my kids come first. I am currectly in school and we are living off of my quaterly checks along with his dad paying our rent,light and water. I am covering our phone,net and our kids needs. Along with putting gas in his car for him to job hunt 3 times a week when he can. Our 5 yr old has a couple medical problems and the gas mainly goes to her being taken to the doctors appoinments. I also do not have my drivers ID so this also limits me at this time till I am able to get it this month. Please like I said before I am despreate to get him working or myself which ever happens first. I cant handle the fact that this is breaking our relationship up because I cant afford to keep doing this. The stress alone is causing my medical probs. I would be willing to do what ever it takes to get some kinda income in this home. Can anyone from the Tallahassee Florida - Thomasville Georgia Area help us thank you kindly. Please IM me at tippy_85_99 on yahoo. Please No Rude comments..
Open Question: file permissions.........................?
hello.. In my site.. I want 404 error OR it should redirect to home page when clicked on some folder or files (only some files) how to do this.. I guess it done my changing file permissions.. currently these files are 777 I changed it in to different ways.. then my site is notworking actually they are template files.. or may be this modification done through .htaccess just tell me what to enter in .htaccess to make some files redirect to home page.. Ill enter the path of files thanks
Open Question: What is a good name for a Eco based Business?
We our doing a project for Geography and we need to create a business. I am having trouble with coming up a name for our business. We focus on Eco friendly products.
Open Question: How much should i sell jumbo freezes in my school for?
So for my entrepreneur class my schools letting us market a product in the cafe. Im selling jumbo freezes....were suppose to sell all of the freezes but at the same time make good profit. Would you pay $2 for a jumbo freeze on a hot day if no store nearby carried them? If not or if so please respond....if not how much should i ask? Thanks
Open Question: If a check is undated can I still cash it without any problems?
My ex had written me a check in February but did not date it. It was given to me with the understanding that I would then date it because it was suppose to be for a future plane ticket. I have not yet cashed it... but my question is-- if he has changed his mind and I cash the check, does he have any legal ground to stand on to try and cause some trouble?
Open Question: I do my taxes with H&R and....?
I do my taxes with H&R and for the last 3 years I we have gone into the office and filed. This year we did it online through H&R also but the computer program recommend we file with the form 1040A so we did and got an additional 800 dollars for the schedule M making work pay and retiree credits. I called H&R and asked why they didnt use that same form when we filed with them and they havent answered. Can we get that credit from them for filing the regular 1040?
Open Question: Obtaining a real estate license in Michigan?
How would i go about earning a real estate license in MI? How long would it take? Do i have to take the classes online or can i do them in person? Do you know of any accredited course, or are they all the same? If i move out of MI is would my real estate license still be valid? Thanks!
Open Question: How many jobs can be done by project, not hour.?
Well, I am thinking about getting a job that can be done on your own time. One thing I thought of is moving into houses that are a bit damaged, fixing them up and re-selling them for a lot more. Now this would take construction knowledge in some cases and building costs. What are some other examples of things like this, or even a career that offers a project based pay, rather than hour, yet still pays decently.
Open Question: I really really need a help....... please...?
This, which I am writing about, may sound weird. But I hope you read it… and give me a help or advices… I am an international student and came to US four years ago. I came here with great hope and ambition to be successful. Overcoming language barriers and adjusting in different culture was much harder than I had expected. But, I have studied really really hard. I am not smart at all. My brain is kind of stupid. I have lost numerous items that I cared so much. I think I can write a book just listing the items that I have lost. One day, I packed a luggage to go visit my friend in different state. Next morning, I got up, took a shower and went to airport without the luggage. Anyway, I came here to succeed. And to succeed, I had to go to great college in US. Because getting job is extremely competitive in Korea, it became a culture that only people who graduated from prestigious colleges are welcomed. I studied and studied. In junior year, I solved more than 25 SAT books, bought a SAT vocabulary book called Wordsmart I+II (about 1650 words contained) and memorized the whole vocabs seven times. Just making 1650 flash cards took me four to five days. To do all these in junior year, I had been able to sleep only five hours a day. However, the hard work paid and I made 2110 in SAT and got accepted into UNC Chapel Hill. I was sooo happy and even happier when I thought about rewarding my parents for what they had done to me. They have invested in me so much although my dad earned a little only because they wanted me to succeed. My dad’s salary is $51,000 and $25,000 of it has been spent for me (Homestaying costs $20,000 and high school tuition is $5,000) and $18,000 for my sister who is planning to go to college in Korea. So they only have $8,000 a year to keep them from going to debt. Or they already are in debt and just keeping the truth from me. The older I got, the more I felt sorry for my parents. Only because of me, they have to be restrained from eating delicious food, wearing nice clothes, going to vacation, etc. And this was all because of me who did not give them a penny to help! Thinking about this always broke my heart and I have been waiting so long to go to college quickly and get a job to reward my parents. However… here is the problem. The cost for attending UNC for international students is too high for my family to pay. It is $40,000 and they do not give me any financial aid… So I applied other 21 colleges to get financial aid and I got rejected from 18 colleges and got into waiting list for the other 3 colleges. It was a shock. I could apply to other less prestigious colleges with financial aid, but if I do that, I won’t be successful in Korea. So I didn’t apply and decided my mind to go to UNC. But now,,, because of my decision, my mom quit her community service in her church and started to work. Moreover, my family is now going to debt to pay for my education. I am the one who caused this tragedy but I couldn’t help it. There is a chance that I can apply to a random college and get financial aid but I want to succeed and reward my parents big! It is so frustrating and nowadays, I think I wasted my four years for nothing but ruining my family. I’ve already searched internet and tried to get scholarships, but they are either reluctant to give any scholarship to foreign students or provide only a little amount of money (about $1,000-2,000) which I had applied and haven’t heard anything from. So… what I want to ask you is that… can you help me paying for tuition for UNC either by money or giving me a way to get any money… I know it’s really vague but if you do so, I will pay you back as soon as possible or with even more money or times that money if I can afford. You can sue me if I don’t keep the promise… Help me once… consider me as a promising company and you are investing in it. I understand if you think I am a dumb or maniac because I would think so if I were you. But I am contemplating hard to write this, dreaming that I might get any help…. My dream is to be a fund manager specializing in international trade and I really do have a confidence that I can be successful. Please help………………………. Please please. My source of thinking and acting all come from my family. I will never give up or failing to succeed because both my source and my goal is my family. I may give up myself but not my family. That’s how I’m moving and that’s how I made 2110 in SAT after three years of studying English. Please help… Here is my email address if you need.
Open Question: Is a short term GIC from ING worth the effort? How much will i receive?
If i were to put in lets say 500$ how much would i receive? no minimum balance over the term that best suits your needs... whether it's 90, 180 or 270 days. Your interest is calculated daily and paid at maturity when your term ends (if you need to cash out early, you waive the interest). At the end of your term, you're free to keep your options open. You can roll over your GIC into another term or transfer it to an ING DIRECT RSP Investment Savings Account.
Open Question: Need help with Accounting?
Please help with this journal entry: A patent costing $22,500 when acquired on January 2 has a remaining legal life of 10 years and is expected to have value for five years.
Open Question: in florida can they take my car over a bad debt?
jus wondering -my friend- told me that she is being sued for an old credit card debt. she is wondering if they can take her car?? it is paid off & worth more then the old debt. we live in florida. she has been supoened to appear for a deposition in a few weeks by the plantiff's there any way that she would not have to go?? IF they can take the car..can she jus add a co-owner to the title to stop this?? or would they put a lein on it so when she wants to sell it she has to pay the debt first? the car is the only thing she owns of value.
Open Question: What is Investors Business Daily saying today in the Big Picture?
The Dow has had several strong distribution days and Friday was a strong one. Was it strong enough for them to change the market direction?
Open Question: Is there a list where I can find a history of the highest paid for companies?
Im just interested to see. Many companies are sold for millions of dollars. Let me know. I have checked Forbes, but can find none. Thanks.
Open Question: Does Lockerz send you a bill after you redeem something?
Everyone says Lockerz is great site. But, im confused. If they really do send free stuff to my house, Why the journal is 700 PTZ..and Brand New video games are 400 PTZ.. Which one is cheapter in the market? Does Lockerz send you a bill after you redeem something?
Open Question: Withdraw of acceptance of offer effective?
I'm trying to explain (for a business law class paper) whether or not this withdraw of acceptance of an offer is effective. I'm going back and forth with it, and I can't come to a solid conclusion. Ernie was fired by his employer, Stein's Sweat Shop. After he was fired, Ernie received a letter from the shop offering him double severance pay in exchange for a release of all age discrimination claims against the company. Ernie signed the release and put it in a mailbox outside the post office. Later, Ernie changed his mind and called the shop to say "I refuse your offer and will be filing suit for age discrimination." Is Ernie's withdraw of his acceptance of the shop's offer effective? Why or why not?
Open Question: good car wash prices?
me and my 8 yr old bro. and cousin who is 10 and me im 12 and my friend who is 12 wat is a good price to have for washing cars and trucks also for selling drinks
Open Question: What is the process in selling my idea to a large technology company?
The idea would be an improvement to something that already exists. How can I talk to and eventually convince a large corporation (sony, samsung, apple, or whoever) that they produce this product?
Open Question: My wife is paid as a contractor, how much should she set aside for taxes from each paycheck?
My wife is a new M.D. She is working for a hospital and charges by the hour. She gets paid once per month and gets the gross amount of her paycheck. No deductions. How much should she set aside from each paycheck and what type of taxes does she need to pay (CA). Our tax bracket is in the 6 figures. I am not self employed. Should she pay quarterly so they dont add up? She was told a big mistake new doctors make is they spend the whole paycheck and end up owing much at the end of the year which they dont have.
Open Question: Advice for bidding on a house?
We're ready to make a bid on a house. Our absolute highest bid can only be $4,000 under the sellers asking price, plus closing costs. Are there any good strategies for bidding less without offending them? Background on the seller's possible motivation, or lack of motivation: - They bought this house over a decade ago, and even with our highest bid (less than what they are asking), they will still be making a large profit. - They are renting it out - It's only been on the market for around a week, but we are the only interested party as of yet Any suggestions??
Open Question: What is SMM.............?
Hello, I know about SEO, SEM, SMO but SMM is the new word for me. What is SMM and how can we use SMM for Internet Marketing? Give your best suggestion.
Open Question: Suppose we are interested in bidding on a piece of land and we know one other bidder is interested. The seller?
Open Question: Anyone have any organizing ideas...?
I work in a video store and I have organize dvd cases or just the covers from the cases. What is the best way to organize them? In terms of space and ease of finding what I'm looking for? I have to organize them into sections like Classics, Horror, Comedy, etc. and I need to be able to search them to find corresponding covers to match the actual dvd. Thanks!!
Open Question: What happens to a joint CD bank account when one person dies?
My grandmother and I have a shared CD account. The money is mine, but I wanted someone else to be on the account to avoid questions. My grandmother has an estate planned so that her money is distributed amongst her children. My question is, if she dies will the money still go to her estate, or will it be just under my name since I was also on the account? If it's a factor, I live in Massachusetts.
Open Question: im stuck on these accounting questions. can someone help?
Which one of the following is not an accounting problem (issue) associated with accounts receivable? A)Accelerating cash receipts from accounts receivable B)Depreciating accounts receivable C)Recognizing accounts receivable D)Valuing accounts receivable Accounts receivable are valued and reported on the balance sheet A)at gross amounts less sales returns and allowances. B)at cash realizable value. C)only if they are not past due. D)in the investment section. An aging of a company's accounts receivable indicates that $4,000 are estimated to be uncollectible. If Allowance for Doubtful Accounts has a $1,200 credit balance, the adjustment to record bad debts for the period will require a A) debit to Allowance for Doubtful Accounts for $2,800. B) credit to Allowance for Doubtful Accounts for $4,000. C) debit to Bad Debts Expense for $2,800. D) debit to Bad Debts Expense for $4,000. Two methods of accounting for uncollectible accounts are the A) allowance method and the accrual method. B) direct write-off method and the accrual method. C) allowance method and the net realizable method. D) direct write-off method and the allowance method. Simonic Retailers accepted $75,000 of Citibank Visa credit card charges for merchandise sold on July 1. Citibank charges 4% for its credit card use. The entry to record this transaction by Simonic Retailers will include a credit to Sales of $75,000 and a debit(s) to: A)Accounts Receivable $75,000. B) Cash $72,000 and Interest Expense $3,000. C) Cash $72,000 and Service Charge Expense $3,000. D) Accounts Receivable $72,000 and Service Charge Expense $3,000. Nichols Company uses the percentage of receivables method for recording bad debts expense. The accounts receivable balance is $200,000 and credit sales are $1,000,000. Management estimates that 5% of accounts receivable will be uncollectible. What adjusting entry will Nichols Company make if the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts has a credit balance of $2,000 before adjustment? A) Bad Debts Expense 8,000 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 8,000 B) Bad Debts Expense 10,000 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 10,000 C) Bad Debts Expense 8,000 Accounts Receivable 8,000 D) Bad Debts Expense 10,000 Accounts Receivable 10,000
Open Question: Where can i find examples of statistical data used in research article?
I'm doing a statistics class journal article and I need to find previously done sample data on individuals. How can I find these types of samples?
Open Question: career options after B.Pharm?
hi all, I have completed my B.Pharm and wants to explore other career options besides pharmacy. Please suggest something which can be a good career option and is related to pharma knowledge as well. it should be good of both the fields. thnx
Open Question: How can an 11 year old make some serious money?
I need some serious money and here's a list of jobs that I definitely won't do: baby-sit cut lawns (I live in the bronx dumb-ass) bake sale dog wash car wash dog care pet sit no prostituting or chores Pimpin' is a BIG MAYBE BE CREATIVE! not talking 5 dollars, at least 20-40 dollars
Open Question: College and a Full Time Job: HELP!?
I'm graduating at the end of this year, and am going to be a full time student at a local community college. I would also like to work a full time job at the same time, I plan on doing classes heavy 2 days a week. And working the other 5, anyone know of any good places to hire a kid like me, clean cut, 95 HS GPA. I've been workingn since I was 14 at a restaurant. So anyone know any companies where I can make some decent money, work a lot of hours, and would hire me with only a HS degree (going for associate's and transfering after of course)? Thanks
Open Question: Are there any work at home companies online that are NOT scams?
I'm not looking for a get rich program here, just something to provide extra income while I search for a job. Thank you
Open Question: moving in 3.5 months, when should i search for a job?
I'm currently working a 31-40 hour week job that i love. I haven't even told my boss yet, so that's the 2nd part of my question...when do I tell him? My tentative last day is July 23rd (in my head), so I want him to have plenty of time to hire and train a new person. my other problem is, right now all the jobs are looking for people for the summer. I am willing to do anything. I'll have a bachelors in child psychology, and experience in daycares, customer service, receptionist/office work, so I'm pretty much up for whatever. When should I start looking for jobs? I feel like it's too early to call other stores that I work at now and just "give them my name", but I'd feel so much better if I've made some progress, and companies at least have my resume and story. any help would be appreciated.
Open Question: Are stocks, shares,bonds,unit trusts,gilts just pieces of paper with infomation on?
It might sound stupid but i am just starting to learn about investments, they are not physical product so what do they look like? thanks
Open Question: is it worth joining a kpo?
I am a fresher and will this work experience which i get be accountable and where all will it count? Can i shift over to a big mnc after gaining work ex or will i keep working in a kpo?
Open Question: Question about a futures price?
That's probably a basic question: If the spot price today is $80 and one month from now a futures contract is priced $81 - does this mean that at expiry both the spot and the futures contract should have the same price? Such as if the spot at expiry is $100 - then the futures contract should be $100? It makes sense, right? Otherwise one can buy the "futures" and sell it for profit or vice versa? 10x
Open Question: do you have to pay taxes for the increased value of a stock you own if you don't sell it?
Suppose I buy a stock and it increases in value but I do not sell it and decide to keep it. Do I have to pay taxes for the increase in value, or do I only pay taxes for it if I decide to sell it?
Open Question: I am a carhop at Sonic. They have withheld SS tax on my total wages in box 1 of my W2 instead of my SS wages?
TurboTax is alerting me that I have overpaid my SS tax. It says I should only have paid my 6.2% on my social security wages as reported in Box 3 of my W2
Open Question: What should someone do if they have been incorrectly given a 1099 when taxes were paid?
My employer forgot for 3 months to take out taxes of my paycheck. She did take local out but that was the only thing. When I brought it up to her she corrected my paychecks. She said she was going to list me as a contracted employee that quarter even though the year before I had been an employee.She said I had to pay her the taxes for that quarter or I'd have to pay them when I filed my taxes the next year. So I wrote a check for some of the taxes and then she took extra money from my paycheck over a period of time to make up for the taxes. Now the local gov is saying I owe occupational taxes. I'm not sure what to do and I'm not sure if the 1099 was issued incorrectly?
Open Question: the document prepared before an initial public offering of unlisted securities for a company raising more than?
Open Question: Can anybody answer me this?
matt willis joins the company as a sales manager and is provided with a company car that has an assessable Benefit in Kind (BIK) of £6000, if he has a salary of £40,000 what will be the monthly deductions? (Assume no private pensions contributions)
Open Question: I have an ameded tax return to file and 1 for self-employment,should i file on my own?
I really would prefer to do it on my own, i efiled for the past 2 yrs. When im done completeing it, will the amount im getting back be known after ALL calculations???? I have an ameded return because i left out my self -employment (didnt know that babysitting money had to be reported) & i had 2 w2's but one was late so i went on and filed.
Open Question: We are looking to buy our first home. So the questions I have are:?
Is it more expensive to buy a land and build a house on it or is it expensive to buy an already built up house? Is it ok to buy a house which is built in 60's? I liked a house which has been upgraded but was built on 64, but it has really low ceiling made of Composition Shingle. Is there a way we could increase the ceiling height? How much would it approx cost? The built up area is 1540. It has two adjoining rooms which are small, and so we would want to break the wall between them to make it bigger, does that costs a lot? I know I can ask these questions to a contractor but just wanted to get an idea beforehand if any of you knew abt this? Thanks Thanks
Open Question: What does it mean when guy says: You do what the boss needs you to do NOT what he thinks he needs you to do?
Open Question: Unfair dismissal? Help! Disaplinary went unfairly.?
Hi, I have just had a disciplinary meeting today with my employers saying it because of gross misconduct for not following till procedures. I had a work colleague and good friend to help me out during the 1 hour 40 minutes meeting. At the end of it they made up go away for 25 minutes for the manager doing the disciplinary to decide on the course of action. He sacked me straight away. This upset me as it would with any one however they made lots of mistakes with the actual disciplinary. The manager was very forceful with his words at one point he said "don't mess with me" and pushed his hand out. He also over spoke me a lot. The managersRepresentativee spokeas welll at points in the meeting and when I was told to go away for 25 minutes, both the manager who was at the meeting and the manager who decided on thedisciplinaryy where chatting together about my meeting. What chances do I have for an appeal? My employers really upset me sacking me, I am a loyal and hard worker, help the managers all the time and very flexible. I feel like they are getting rid of me because they have two girls coming back at the same time frommaturityy leave. What I did wrong on the tills didn't even cost the company money nor and product. Ibasicallyy did a refund for no reason and I got sack for that harmless mistake. Someone talk to me about this. What they think on this.
Open Question: would i beable to get out of my lease 2 months before i actually move in?
i was told by a friend that the apartments i was moving into were decent. but upoun reading all the reviews from a reliable site I am thinking twice. Do you think their is anyone to break the lease. I havent moved in yet, not for another 2 months but I signed lease and put a deposit down on a particular apartment.
Open Question: Where do store owners buy their merchandise?
Is there some sort of wholesale catalog they shop from to pick what they will sell in their stores??
Open Question: Where to make myself available for babysitting?
I'm 14 and it may sound ridiculous, but I need a job! My parents are stingy, and I want spending money. Plus, it's nice to be independent. I don't know if anyone will be able to answer this, but what website or place can I get hired to babysit? Thank you so much!:)
Open Question: Is it wrong to be rich or should we share money and everyone have the same amount?
Free enterprise and capitalism not only is a part of the American life where an idea, a product, and/or a service, it creates incentive and can enrich if not save lives. Incentive inspires many to be more productive.
Open Question: Is it possible to get a Loan from a bank using my Truck title as collateral?
I purchased my 2003 Toyota Tacoma Truck from a family member for 1$ the value is $6000 . I have the title in my name now and it is mine.. Is their a way to go the bank and get a loan based on the truck value to help pay off my bills and have one payment? sorry if this is a stupid question but I have no idea! Thank you
Open Question: is it wrong to snitch on my cousin?
if he said hes going to bring a gun home and i dont know if hes serious or not i told hes probabtion officer he might be mad at me or whatever but i dont care i was just concerned for my familys safty and my own and hes also
Open Question: Any ideas to name a small cleaning service company that will use eco-friendly products?
Open Question: petsmart rehire policies?
I worked for petsmart for four and a half months in 2009. I told my boss that i was quitting because I had some issues with another manager and I had found another job that I hope would allow me to advance farther than they would because of my situation. My boss put me down as not rehireable. and he didn't really give me a reason other than that I chose not to put in my two week notice. so my question is... 1. can he legally do that? and 2. if i'm put down as not rehireable, does that mean for a certain period such as a year or two years? or never for the rest of my life?
Open Question: I have a very fundamental question on hedging in stock market ( See below )?
If I buy 1 future of a stock having a lot size of 5000 say and to hedge the risk I sell 5000 shares at same price. So I am assured that in worst case I may not make profit and can square off. Even then why futures is considered to be dangerous , if you adopt technique of hedging ?
Open Question: Paper suppliers in Derby?
Hi does anyone know of any good paper suppliers in Derby, Derbyshire or the Midlands, UK? I'm looking to get hold of some IQ Select Smooth A3 160/200gsm paper!
Open Question: criminal record check for health career and open investigation?
police "not actively persuing investigation" but "case is still open", sexual assault allegations made 5 months ago, police havn't even contacted me, just my boss who has relayed what they have said. I am looking at getting into a health field. Can an open investigation of this nature interfere with me going on clinical placements, working, etc in Australia? How long is it likely they will keep investigation open? Do they have to let me know when the investigation is closed?
Open Question: Has anyone taken a Paralegal Course and if so is it a hard course?
I am thinking about taking this course in a few months after I am laid off from my current job. Has anyone taken this course and if so, is it a very hard course? I find it interesting.
Open Question: Ambiguous clause in residential tenancy agreement?
The RTA states that necessary repairs can be done at any time on the tenant's property with no notice if its the outside of the house. It states that the landlord can come on to property for any reason, as many times per day as necessary. Basically there is no cut off point for how many times per day/week the landlord may come on to the property. The landlord may also knock on the door as many times per day as they like. This is what has been happening for me as a tenant, and I am wondering if the RTA is going to change this soon to enable tenants more quiet enjoyment of their premises?
Open Question: can a landlord add somebody else's electric to your apartment?
my landlord wants to put the barn's electric on my meter but the barn is rented to somebody else. The electric is included in their rent and they will not pay me. But my water pump is on the landlord's electric and she says it will even out ( her paying for my water and me paying for the barn's electric)
Open Question: Independent student filing taxes...?
I filed my taxes in January and got my 1098-T form a few weeks after I filed. Would it benefit me to file a 1040-X to amend my return so I can include the 1098-T form information? My income was $7000 and I got back $700 in refunds. Im single and dont have any kids.
Open Question: can i start a website that allows people to loan and deposit money from my personal bank?
such as first caribbean international bank??.can i do that ...i wouldnt be actualy keeping the money but simply using a real bank but just accesible through my website
Open Question: i file bankruptcy but it got dismissed due to none payment?
the fact that the creditor did get paid but because of the dismissal they did't can the statue of limitation be reset.
Open Question: i want to know what exact %marks is requiered in their BE for someone to get a job in a company like biocon?
Open Question: Is it normal for a real estate agent to ask you to bring your checkbook when they're going to show you houses?
A realtor asked my boyfriend to bring his checkbook because he's going to look for houses next week with her. Also, are there any odd/warning signs to look out for to learn if a realtor is fishy or just a con?
Open Question: Does anyone know where I can get a description of the differences between a hedge fund, mutual fund and an?
Open Question: I wnt 2 do gud job in forign country. I m Gradu gud compu knowledge. eng typ spd 50wpm. I
Open Question: In filing MFS, is it mandatory to split incomes or can each spouse just claim their own income?
The spouses live together and pay half of everything (mortgage, property tax, etc). They split these expenses on sch A, but they each report their own that ok? What will the IRS or CA say if they file MFS but each claims their own income and then share the mortgage and property tax expenses? CA is a community property state.
Open Question: i am confused by pet insurance?
i want to insure both my dogs,i want no limit on insuring a condition,say one of my dogs take arthritis ,i have noticed a lot saying cover up to 7500 per condition,and is ongoing,only thing is,if you read more carefully ,it says so long as at renewal you have not claimed for a condition,the cost of the policy stays the same,duh !!!! i want cover where i can stay with the same insurance provider,they will not bump up the cost of the policy if my dog developes a life long condition,and there is no limit on the cost of the treatment,am i living in cloud cukoo land also no age limit on cover
Open Question: Close-out sale?is it true?
i saw a msg said that a factory was close dowm,and all the products are huge-reduction sale,Nike shoes are cheap to60,if it's true,i just want to place a big order,is there anybody could tell me?the msg is from:
Open Question: How much do new grad RN's make in Chico, CA?
I am entering the RN program at Butte Community College and was wondering how much a new grad RN can expect to make in Chico.
Open Question: What should we name our event planning business?
My friend & I are setting up our event planning business but are stuck on picking out a name. We already have a few clients so now we REALLY need a name so we can get started on planning & payments! We're going to be doing weddings, baby showers, bridal showers, & birthdays. Not only do we do the planning, we also make stationery, favors, and some of the other decor. So I don't want the name to be too specific since we cover so much ground. Any suggestions??
Open Question: On-call employee>phone costs deductable?
I was reading somewhere that: if you are employed on an on-call base and your employer does not provide you a phone, you can tax deduct part of the phone bill. I am a Massage Therapist in Colorado and every day on call. Without my phone I would loos my job. I can't find the article anymore where I read that. Any sources?
Open Question: My medical examiner's card expired on 4/2/2010. My license is still good until 2013.?
Can I just renew my medical card and keep my cdl status without any penalty or will i have to start all the way from scratch? I originally got the CDL in Indiana and now live in Tennessee. Either way I want to keep it active so i will get it in whichever state lets me.
Open Question: can I claim federal tax withholding exempt?
I am relocating with my employer and they offer a relocaiton bonus of a substantial amount. I would like the entire bonus to help pay off a few bills (medical, etc). I see the button to click for withholding exempt on my on line personnel system, but can I do that? I've also heard of increasing deductions, but by how many?? I need to do this for 2 pay periods (I a paid bi-weekly). Thank you for the information!
Open Question: What is the starting salary for an Asst Branch Manager?
I am looking at a career change and I am looking for salary information for a position I am looking into.
Open Question: How can I find commercial retail properties in Columbus, OH that have a short-term lease?
I am looking for a short-term lease (like one year or less). I know there are many places online to find commercial retail property and I can drive by and find locations...but there doesn't seem to be any way to know if there is a company out there which offers short term leasing. Can anyone help me? I'm looking for something in the Columbus area.
Open Question: What are the best credit card companies to go with?
I currently have a card with Chase and would like to go with another bank, after it is paid off. I am not happy with their customer service and would like to open an account with a company that respects me more as a customer. I am looking for good suggestions about which company to open a new account with? A company with excellent customer service, who cares about their customers even in these tough times?
Open Question: should I mention that my husband just got laid off at MY job interview?
I have a second interview with a company that I really want to work for. Should I mention my husband just got laid off or does it makes us look pathetic?
Open Question: Best mystery/secret shopping company?
I would like to become a mystery shopper, but there are so many scams out there. Does anyone have personal experience with a legit company that doesn't rip you off?
Open Question: How long does it take to get things from ebay after you buy them?
i just bought an easycap DVD maker on eBay like 4 days ago... he had lot of positive feedbacks and the seller is from china do i have to wait like a month???
Open Question: If Hollywood video goes out of business, what happens to my debts?
I'm really bad with remembering to return movies, so I've acquired a pretty huge debt with Hollywood Video the past couple of years. For a while they had been sending me letters and telling me that they were turning me over to the debt collector, and that my credit will be affected by all of this. The one that I always went to is going out of business, but does that change anything for me? They are still a big business, so I owe it to the company, not the store, right? Do I still have debt to them, or would I have to wait until the entire company goes out of business?
Open Question: Is there a good job like a realtor, a bank teller or a loan officer?
Is there a good job like a realtor, a bank teller or a loan officer that pays really well and requires some college? It doesn't really matter if it does or doesn't, thank you : )
Open Question: What are your must have tools for your internet marketing methods?
When it comes to what you do everyday what tools are you always reaching for to speed up the process?
Open Question: i am planing to do some data entry work online. can anyone suggest me sites for the same.?
Open Question: Can You Name My Restaurant?
My Aunt and I are planning to open a Healthy To go restaurant. We will only serve breakfast and lunch. I need lots of names so i can ponder over them. I heard a name that starts with A or B works best because they appear first in the phone book and online directories. Please respond with anything you can think of. Thanks so much!!
Open Question: Setting up a leaflet distribution business. what is the best approach towards new customers?
Open Question: Is there always a buyer and always a seller in futures market?
For instance - if a contract has no market depth? What happens - my "market order" goes to a "limit order" until someone is ready to take it? 10x
Open Question: K-1 (Form 1120S) income. Can we report it on schedule C (Form 1040) and pay SE tax.?
I have a S-corp and received K-1 for 2009 for about 25k. This is the first year our S-corp made a profit. I actively participated in the business, but did not take any wages or distribution in 2009. I want to report K-1 distribution as self employed income on schedule C (Form 1040) for 2009 return and pay SE tax. Is it OK? From Jan 2010, I am getting wages from our S-corp.
Open Question: I need advice for my resume or job applications...applying everywhere and no calls?
I am a 24 year old stay at home Mom. I don't mention this on my resume I am in University part-time working on Psych degree Have decent work experience but haven't worked in 2 years I've sent out over 100 resumes in person and online in the last 3-6 months...I had one interview and they didn't call me back. I see all kinds of people getting jobs so why is it so hard for me? My husband hires at his work ( not a line of work for me ) and gave me pointers, I've read like 4 books...I follow all the advice and I am applying everywhere..Even Burger King didn't call me back =/ I am applying to 90% places that are advertising for work and 10% to random places. Anything from food service, retail, warehouse, secretary ...anything!
Open Question: I need help with my job application?
I'm trying to apply to an internship at biodiversity conservation work and got stumbled upon on thing. When they ask you for 'application', what should it be exactly consisted of? also how would I prove my 'eligibility to work in Canada'? Also I would like to get help on building job-specific resume for this internship. much help would be appreciated.
Open Question: new job offer should I take it?
Okay so I have been working for a state clinic for 3 years. I love my patients,my co-workers and well Im pretty good at my job. My boss is terrible though. I think shes bi-polar. Shes fine sometimes but when she gets on her kicks she goes overboard. She will try to put us co-workers against each other. She talks about me to other staff. She comes in late but if your 2 minutes late she writes you up. She has favorites and lets them do what they wish but for me and some others any little mistake and she emails all the big dogs. Just recently she blamed me for some errors that were done by here and I had paper work to back myself up. There fore now shes just trying to do everything in her power to make my life miserable. She audits me all the time and the same mistakes that I have caught her doing shes writing up for. I try to stay out of her way and be nice to her when she talks to me but shes just so rude and abrasive. some of my coworkers and I had a meeting with the clinic manager and she just makes excuses for her. If you ask her a question she yells at you. She hangs up on you and is very hard to come to for questions because your scared of what mood she is going to be in. The clinic manager told us that we need to grow thicker skin and with maturity things will get better! We have to ask for permission to use the bathroom.We cant get up from our desk unless we are taking a chart back. We are not to socialize unless its on our lunch.She is making this place hell. Should I just wait it out until this blows over or should I go to an interview I got at a children's dentistry. Im just scared to make the wrong decision. UGHH!! Im so confused. Please give me your opinions and suggestions. No negative comments please! Thanks!! Sorry this was so long. Also I am going to paste on here what she sent us. Some of the expectations are good but some I think are overboard.·Punctuality is very important. You must arrive on time and be at your station ready to serve yours clients when our doors open. ·Acknowledge and greet everyone who arrives for family planning services. ·Remain at your assigned post as scheduled. When you are not assigned to the front area, please remain at your workstation unless you are picking up a chart. ·Please do not abandon and or leave the front window unattended to engage in chatter. ·At all times, please have someone provide coverage for you during your breaks ex: bathroom. ·When taking a chart to the provider, please address any concerns and return to your desk immediately. “Visiting†other staff is not permitted. ·When breaking for lunch you may not leave until the person covering the desk has arrived. If they went to lunch late this means you will go late. There may be times when you will not get a full hour for lunch. ·Rude and inappropriate language and or conversation(s) will not be tolerated. ·Answer the phone promptly and use the customer’s name throughout the phone conversation. ·Handle customers’ questions and concerns professionally and courteously. ·Provide accurate, appropriate and immediate responses to all requests by our customers, ensuring complete satisfaction. ·Maintain a clean; safe, fully stocked and well organized work area. ·Maintain a positive attitude and contribute toward a quality work environment. ·Assist in all areas of operations as requested by management. ·Communicate to management any and all occurrences that require attention. ·Utilize computers with skill and proficiency. File documents/charts as appropriate.
Open Question: Is computer science a good field?
I'm about to make the most difficult decision of my entire life, that is about my career. A lot of people have offered me tons of advices but not very satisfying so here I am. Is computer science a valuable degree, and is CS and MBA a superb combination...I need a satisfying answer please from someone experienced. Thanks in Advance
Open Question: Found a house to rent through friend, but realtor involved?
My friend, who I have know forever sent me information about a house one of her friends sister is selling/rent out. Besides being small, it wasn't a bad place. I meet the girl who is renting the property, problem being she wants to charge $2,000 to move in, plus 1st months and last months security of another $1,400. After doing research this is not typical, usually just 1st and security. I am thinking the addition $2000 is for the realtor commission, but she had nothing to do with finding us as tenants. Any advise. Thanks
Open Question: What can i do about this credit card? Pleeeease help...?
My ex (we were never married) and i opened a credit card about 7 years ago and have since split (5 yrs ago). when we split, we made a deal that i would pay all of the rent in the apartment (even though i was not living there) and payoff his truck and he had to pay the credit card which had a balance of $1200.00. he has not paid it off STILL and the only person the debt collection agency is calling is me saying that his name is not on there, but it used to be. i have never been late on paying anything ever and this unpaid credit card is demolishing my credit score. i cannot apply for a mortgage on a house because of this ONE credit card that has dropped my credit score from 765 to 590. i even had the balance reduced down to $900 for him over the summer and he never paid so now the balance is $1800 because of fees and finance charges and i am the only one getting threatening phone calls. what can i do to get this resolved/taken care of as i cannot afford to pay for it myself and we were never married so because there were no divorce papers i feel like i have no ground. please help.
Open Question: How do I figure out what I want to do with my life?
I'm 26 and I've already accomplished all the goals I had set out to do. 3 years ago, I wanted to become a reporter and I landed a position at the #1 TV news station in the country. I realized I didn't want to pursue this anymore so I set out to find work online and I managed to become a full-time editor for microsoft. Now, I 'm feeling restless again. How do I figure out what I want to do?
Open Question: Can I pay my Victoria's Secret cc payment using my Paypal debit card?
I was wondering if anyone uses paypal to make a payment to their Victoria's Secret credit card (Angel card)? I have a bank account, and a paypal debit card (paypal account). Has anyone used paypal to make a payment to them? It would be easiest for me. Anyone's help will be greatly appreciated. :) Thank you. :)
Open Question: What is the procedure to choose the best employee of the year?
I am seeking the guide line for the best method , proceess or the best way to choose an Employee of the year.
Open Question: Examples to do with targets? For a call centre interview(phone) Please.?
I have a phone interview for Lloyds TSB call centre and I've only ever had one job which I'm still currently doing but I've never worked in a call centre and don't know how to answer those types of questions and I'v only ever had one interview so I've got not experience! thanks
Open Question: how long does it take to hear back from a crisis loan?
i tried for a budgeting loan but they are running so behind and heard about a crisis loan so have applied for this as in desperate need of it. also who do they priotise?
Open Question: How much money do you have left to spend when you're a doctor?
when you're a doctor you earn quite a lot of money. let's say first year of being qualified you live in london and have a student loan, mortgage on a house and then the bills. you pay £10 a month to charity and you have to buy food for youself and furnish the building. how much would you have left approx per month to spend on clothes and stuff like make up and other things. what about if you rented an appartment in london with someone else, would htere be a big difference? don't judge, i want to be a doctor because i want to help people but you have to face the fact you earn a lot.
Open Question: what is appraisal in IT company?
Everybody in my office is telling about appraisal.what does it mean.I know something about this.See i am a beginner.Can anybody explain me wha exactly appraisal is?
Open Question: Can you make money if you take a video from a site and post on your blog?
im using blogger and its an adult website so if i take video from another site and post them on my blog can i still make money?
Open Question: Why can China keep its currency, the yuan, artificially low?
is there an agreemnet between the countries? other currencies are at the marcy of the market. japanese yen has been buying , rose by 50%, which definitly hampered their economic growth, its economy is still at the bottom, china's econmy has been robust, because of its cheap labour, government's strong initiative, artificialy low currency. why only China has been pampered ?
Open Question: If you order from La Senza can you tell by the packaging where it's from when it comes in the post?
Open Question: i want to sell everything i own to travel what should i do?
i have everything ranging from car parts to tables antique statues jewelery knifes forks beds lounges surf boards how would be the best way to sell all this stuff in one go and i work full time..i want it all gone asap!!
Open Question: How much would I pay on a 4.99% credit card if I paid off the entire balance monthly?
I am travelling to Europe in late July and considering taking the Wizard Clear Advantage Mastercard. It has a 4.99% per annum rate for the first 6 months and no ATM or transaction fees. I would like to transfer $2000 positive balance on it, and then use it as a credit card after that. Therefore I will likely be spending about $5000 credit, but I hope to pay off this entire balance at the end of every month as I have this amount in my bank account saved for the holiday. Therefore, how much interest would I be paying? I seem to think its abut $80 but I do not have a credit card currently so I'm not sure.
Open Question: How do you do a Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Early IRA Withdrawal?
I need to take $3,000 out of my IRA account to cover taxes, plus the underage IRS penalty. How do I go about doing that? I got the IRA Distribution Request form from the website. Do I need to fill that all least the few parts that are in English? Or can I just go in to a Morgan Stanley Smith Barney office with one of my statements and bank account info, and have them take care of everything? Do you need to call and make an appointment before you go in, or can you just walk in? Is there a fee to come in and do this...other than the underage IRS penalty? (I'm just 33 and was last in the office when I opened an account.)
Open Question: how to become a technical analyst in stock broking and where is the institutions available?
Open Question: why is eBay telling me that my item is eligible for a Second Chance Offer?
I just sold an item like an hour ago on eBay, however on MyeBay there is a notification that says "One item you sold is eligible for a Second Chance Offer" is this because the seller will not pay? or is it just something that appears by default when an auction is ended?
Open Question: Questions about first job a grotto's pizza?
I started working at grottos pizza today i was told that i wouldn't get my first check until the 22nd of April i was wondering why is this. Also would that check be low in pay ive only worked there two days and already ive worked 11 hours at 7.50 an hour.
Open Question: Does a manager’s leadership style affect his or her communication style? If so, how?
Open Question: Can you send a Western Union anonymously?
A friend of my family is going through a very tough time, and needs to come up with a large amount of money fairly quickly. I would like to send $500 to her, but I would really like to send it autonomously. I thought about FedEx-ing cash, but it could get lost. Someone mentioned Western Union. I have never used it before, but on their site it says I can go to a location and send money overnight. Will they let you do it anonymously? Also, do they deliver the cash / check to her door? Thanks.
Open Question: How do I figure out the direct labor costs?
Here is the info given: Cost of goods manufactured for the period: $420,000 Work in Process Inventory, beginning of period: $100,000 Work in Process Inventory, end of year: $120,000 Direct Materials Used: $50,000 Additional Info: Manufacturing Overhead is allocated at 70% of direct labor cost
Open Question: can you go straight from your BSN to your MSN for nursing?
Or do you have to work as a nurse for some time before you can apply to grad school to get your masters in Nursing? I'm accepted to nursing school to get my BSN, but ultimately I want to be a Nurse Practitioner, can I apply directly into MSN programs?
Open Question: How do I get a job quick?
Ok, the economy sucks and ever since I turned 16, I've been looking for a job for a very long time now. I do not have a job experience and that's all they seem to be looking for: Experience and being 18. However, I believe that taking a Hospitality course was beneficial, but most applications will not allow me to include extra things to get me hired. I want to help my family through financial matters, and with being the oldest, I feel that I am disappointing them because of no success. Blah blah. Sorry for the sob story, but it's true. Lol. I filled out TONS of applications with no luck. It's like playing the lottery, but using hope instead of money. XD Anyways, I appreciate the time.
Open Question: US/Canada Tax return question?
A little bit of background... I am a Canadian citizen, and have been lving back in Canada since September of 2008. Under IRS laws, since I also hold a green card, I am a resident of the USA for tax purposes. This year I will be filing both a USA and Canada Tax Return, which I have an appointment to do next week. Here is my question... In Canada for 2009 my wages were approximately 13,000 I also received approximately 9000 in spousal support from my ex husband, who lives in the USA and is a citizen there. I only paid approximately 200 in taxes on my Canadian income, (deducted from my pay) and have paid no taxes on the spousal support. I am filing as head of household, as I have a 4 year old daughter. I also purchased a house in Canada (first time home buyer) in 2008 Does anyone have a clue at an approximate amount I will be paying in taxes? I am aware of the foreign tax credit. I'm just a little worried that I am going to have to pay a lot of taxes this year, although I am barely making it as is! Any help would be appreciated!
Open Question: how do you make money fast?
i need to make money fast so if you have a chore or buissness idea for a 10 year old give me some answers Thanks!
Open Question: should i sell my house "as is"?
ok i live in Trenton NJ i live at the end of a row and have a condemned garage with 4bays the one has a old well that was covered with a large concrete slab and the other 3 are dirt floor. all the wood is fuzzy with mold, and or falling down. i want to move soon but i don't know if i have to fix it so it is safe to use i have 4x4 on cinder blocks hold up the roof now, will "as is" let me sell it like that or does it have to be livable/ functional/ safe?? or do i have to leval it out and pour concrete down so it is functional space??
Open Question: I realy want this job, please tell me if this sounds good?
They ask me to state my 'skills'. It's a job for Business Associate Rep. This is what I got. I believe I would be a great fit for this position because I have very strong customer service skills, multi-tasking and also very strong selling skills. My career path in life is to be a 'Business Marketer'. I feel that this position would give me a great feel and head start for businesses and the selling aspect of it all. I have great telephone skills and am great with people. I have a excellent typing speed of 55 WPM and am extremely proficient in Word, Power point, Excel and Windows. Please make corrections =]
Open Question: Can late payments on my cell phone bill affect my credit score?
I have a cell phone account with Verizon. I pay my bills online but occasionally forget to pay until the next bill comes and reminds me I forgot the pay the previous one. Can this effect my credit score?
Open Question: If my lease says "no pets" what can my landlord actually do legally?
I signed a lease that is up in July, and all it says regarding animals is "no pets". It does not state any sort of repercussions (I have had prior leases that state specific repercussions of being caught with a pet). Anyway, I rescued a stray kitten. I have a new house I am moving into in May (I do not intend to break the lease-- I have the money to pay both rents) that allows cats. So I've got three weeks of illegal cat-having. Today I looked out the window to find my landlord's brother taking pictures of my cat through the window with his phone. Creepster-ish... but I'm sure it's legal. So anyway, I'm likely caught with this cat and I just want to know what the landlord can legally do to me now. Eviction? No problem, that gets me out of paying double rent, lol (or would I still be responsible for rent?). Can he keep my deposit, even if the cat has not ruined anything? I realize I've taken a risk here, and am willing to pay the consequences (sweet little kitty is worth it!), I'd just like to know what they are, legally speaking, before I get the awkward phone call. I live in Michigan, by the way. Thanks!
Open Question: Is any part of your commute mileage tax deductible?
I have a 120 mile round trip commute to work 5 days a week. Is any part of that tax deductible? Can vehicle maintenance such as new tires and oil changes be deducted?
Open Question: Help me adjust/edit this 3 sentence thank you note?? Will be attached to flowers. Thank you =]?
I do a lot of legal work and continually work with the same people every now and then. Yesterday I showed up to record some paperwork and I arrived at the window 7 minutes past closing time. I had previously sent a thank you card during a difficult transaction we all had last year, and the supervisor remembered me and nodded to the girl like "yeah, just let her roll through and record it" So I want to send some white flowers, (very plain but beautiful) and want to say thank you...what would be the best way to do this??? KEY POINTS: Government agencies/etc are not 'allowed' to accept 'gifts', so im wondering if should not leave my name, however I really want them to know its from me...maybe by putting something about yesterday and letting me go throught he line....their favor to me saved me from going back the next day (which is a 4 hour drive) so thats time/gas/money lost... Simplicity is key, help please?? =] Best answer will be handed out ASAP...thanks!! So far I have: Thank you for squeezing me in to yesterday's schedule. It was a tremendous gesture that helped me greatly, I appreciate your sincere efforts to effectively aid the public in "__________(IE:their public works??)".....
Open Question: i opened a bank account but never put money in it....?
...i plan to close it but was wondering if it would affect my credit, i opened a bank account but never put money in it. i plan to close it but was wondering if it would affect my credit, but i dont have credits to begin with. im just a full time student.
Open Question: what business can u start up... with a lot of sunflowers in the uk?
sunflower seeds? is there a market for that? sunflower oil? is there a market for that? what other bussines can you think of? how many sunflowers for a litre of oil? any links are welcome and information of any sort wud be great.. i do pick best answers!
] Is not known [of history: If the founders guaranteed the freedom in this country, why allowed the slavery in the constitution?
the ethical ones? They did it so that they apaciguen the south? Who the paper Thomas Jefferson played inside?
[You add - [prostheto] - ons] does not know yourself: Who type of maternal card would be i if they go with, Intel or AMD?
My plate mother is obtaining quite old and it does not have any points for the new improvements. X16 (not 2,0) has one PCI-Express and that is he. I want to increase it so that it can put in any components I want around without the preoccupation if they fit. A thing that I am having a difficulty decision is if with himself a plate AMD mother and a CPU, or obtains to a plate mother of Intel and a CPU. I have heard that the AMD is a better value and is the best option for the games, but Intel has better operation even so (in a high price more). Since like the majority of people joy obtaining of a good product for less, I am inclining towards AMD, but déjeme knows what you think. I have a plate AMD mother and a CPU at the moment, and I have not had ninguÌ  n problem with him. He is better to keep with AMD motherboard+CPU, or must interrupting of I to Intel motherboard+CPU.
[Distingue and dating] is not known: Takes what me in the bed or I lose to me always means stops?
I heard he before and I tenth who somebody that had a shirt and he he said in the shirt who I wanted exact to know what means? it is a joke or something
Why allowed] know [date: When the founders of the guarantee of freedom in this country, and slavery in the Constitution?
Ethical any children? They did it so they can apaciguen the south? Regarding the paper played in the Thomas Jefferson?
Discuss IT WITH THE METHOD OF YOU CAN WORK CONTRACTOR TECHNICAL announced CASA FOR REVIEW OF ORDER In the commercial advantage of this opportunity?
There are several methods you can the publicity work of the national event to make. ''S can be another solo warning bulletin of the people to buy. This will be charged to him very small, but effective, because you have a publication in the list of people who believe in the heads of households of the news bulletin. Blogs can also start with something that is not with the company to have. It may have occurred or [tipot] 'else you want. She dialogal can create a blog, so people who read this you can say what they think. Car of the blog search and free love to do. It is the consideration that the main Internetâ € | If it does not answer the question, try a different Hua Pretty relative to EO employer. If you still need a better answer, you will find a list of Hua Pretty variants found in different types of keyword: businessman EO
[Another one - games and reconstruction] is not known: Smogon de Pokemon Moveset Shuckle of the EV problem?
Pokemon. 248 Def/8 SPD HP/252 now that I program to do but who is the point of the HP of possession 248? I do not know because smogon he would put this. I do not know because possession 252 would damage really much. In smogon they say that you took him you have 248 because these are all the need shuckle. Each knows why?
[Makeup] ανοιχτή εÏώτηση: Οι Ï„Ïποι τον συμπαθοÏν Ï€Ïαγματικά όταν τους φιλοÏν τα κοÏίτσια με το χείλι σχολιάζουν επάνω;
] Is not known [of the contagious diseases: the girl has hepatitis b can I take it via oral sex?
The friend has hepatitis B can I take it via oral sex? I have used condón for intercorse but it left itself gives oral because I want to assure to me of itself first…
[Education of the third degree (university +)] it is not known: Which is a good excuse [xen]. ; AID! (10 points)?
For one what good excuse does not give the confidence of the exact day? It had another abundance of entrustings that does (or that cannot he imagines how many)! But, I am tryin really as much to hardly finish while it can! I did not finish all. Only 2 remained for 2 other subjects! \ I really did not sleep by the 2 similar nights where they put to me under oath! perhaps 3 hours only! (`of cepillado m of I so that I speak to the professor before our category, but does not have any idea what says inside! Ideas? I ASK ( even if it enough to us gave to time to put under! P.S: (I know that it is my error that I hoped until last the one L. for I do this! He was ill for one week and it could not do them really before).
] Is not known [of chemistry: Question of chemistry [of apomonoton]. AID?
It has a solution that is 0.0988M in acetic acid. It calculates the sum of NaOH of 6M that would be supposed he is added for him does 0.0988M to him in acetic sodium. If less than 10mL of the long-range base adds you you can neglect any change of volumes. I do not know beginning in this problem. I ask I help myself to him! thanks~
] Is not known [of the hair: Who commercial signal of the rociadura of the protection of the heat that you use in his hair?
I use [trello] [leio] the hot smooth level iron of Got2b boiling and blows [xeraino] the lotion. But it does not appear to work better. Perhaps im that does not put under enough? Or perhaps exact that commercial signal.
[Psychology] open question: Does the sleep in a cold room causes the nightmares?
Everything to the right, thus my site is EXCEPTIONALLY HOT BOILING all the hour. For the three previous nights I have put my ventilator to which it faces up immediately with, and on overflow all night. And those three nights,  n always had maÌ ive of the nightmares that it had. Like my friend whom violet in my my front takes and me the shout could here… She of the voice, thus this average dream in a cold camera cause anyway more nightmares? Would be supposed I closes the ventilator I it night? Lol, I know questtion well stupid but the OH.
[Voting and investigates] is not known: How you would describe person? this is not “is really beautiful question I†And surely I do not fish for the praises. But… I observed exact that nobody has always described person. [Elegate] of which he is one of the narrow person of babies ...... extensively… I know that I do not have the high cheeks [of kokkala]. Any [dipote]?
[Education of the third degree (university +)] it is not known: Institutes of Education Superiors of Seattle?
Which is good university i you you want in important in penal justice. and it aseméjese without one of the Institutes of Education Superiors of Seattle that has [ekeino] [ton] commander. I want exact to be used correctional superior.
[Law and moral] is not known: I am 16 and existence in the Missouri. It has been existing for the way towards moving legally outside?
[Distingue and dating] is not known: What can I do “in the amazing success†this?
My previous one comes in the country in the fracture of the extension by 2 weeks in the end of month. We must be solved arrives and still we have spoken and we had the feelings. It was each good one when [imaste] this one we was solved with exact the difficult existence of the great distance. They were its certain weeks of birthday 21$ [to] before. My drawing was present of I the deterioration and the wrist of the apron (lingere with the apron form), the thighs of the account of the black, the black pumps of platforms, and all underneath a black layer of ditches. It had to do a home to him made cake of the chocolate with the frost of the chocolate and a candle stops for me I make a desire since they were his birthday. I must try and he stops to happy birthday to you sing inside like [Merilin] Monroe who I did all provocative ones for the president. It is this quite provocative one? Exists [tipot] 'other that can do? We would come in sexual contact but I also wanted to make pleasant and nonsexual something.
] Is not known [of the dogs: My water of the fear of dog I, how I give a bath him?
I have hunting dog of Farmer of years 8. Fearred the funeral water for while time interval that I know that I took (it when I was rough 1) he I have given it probably at least from 10 baths in the 7 years had because its fear. Whenever where attempt to give him to a bath this FREAKS OUTSIDE! I cannot verify it when it is like this. Certain years confront when I tried to give him to a bath [eschise] the track of our bridge. (its lead was implied inside). Fear even the water of bottles. In any case, my question is how the outside of I gives in the dog [as much pounds] my 80+ a bath with that outside. The age and it does not go outside of much, but we took ourselves to ready we move in an apartment therefore it would wish who me for is clean. Supplies with respect to take how it beyond their fear from the water? Thanks
[Distingue and dating] is not known: What can I do “in the amazing success†this?
My previous one comes in the country in the fracture of the extension by 2 weeks in the end of month. We must be solved arrives and still we have spoken and we had the feelings. It was each good one when [imaste] this one we was solved with exact the difficult existence of the great distance. They were its certain weeks of birthday 21$ [to] before. My drawing was present of I the deterioration and the wrist of the apron (lingere with the apron form), the thighs of the account of the black, the black pumps of platforms, and all underneath a black layer of ditches. It had to do a home to him made cake of the chocolate with the frost of the chocolate and a candle stops for me I make a desire since they were his birthday. I must try and he stops to happy birthday to you sing inside like [Merilin] Monroe who I did all provocative ones for the president. It is this quite provocative one? Exists [tipot] 'other that can do? We would come in sexual contact but I also wanted to make pleasant and nonsexual something.
[Rent and immovable fortune] is not known: Now the days, you underneath need 20% for the loan the honoraria of the cover?
I before bought a rough house 5 years. Acquired [epanentopismenos] for the work. The bought company the house. Later part then I underneath took the loan from the honoraria of the cover for only 5%. The market is very different now. I have the majority of excellent credit (720+). Solid history of the work, same years of company 7+. My debt in the proportion of justice is solid. I do not have the payment of 20% underneath -. The banks still do 5% underneath? Even 10%? Search of the loan of the honoraria of the cover for 200k 250k. The reason that not only now complement outside a use, is that I do not look for a house until September [otoy] October and I do not want the investigation of the credit strip that.
[Another one - skin and body] is not known: Prodoct de AcneFree of the DESTRUCTION! Request of aid I.;
Ayúdeme please. I finish beginning to use the product of AcneFree, and finish causing that a MASSIVE one exploded. My whole front is covered in bumps, and itch really bad. What I must do?
[Religion and espiritualidad] is not known: how we know how much existed the prophets in the Islam?
I heard that existed rough 120000 prophets and only 25 disclose themselves in quran as much where took [ekeino] [ton] number of? He is written in quran or something?
[Names of babies] is not known: Its wanted name of girls?
ONLY 3! Who is their wanted names of girls? ; I am 34 weeks of embarrassed and hope that babygirl comes early my for them! And  n 1 does not choose ninguÌ names! Thus I want to see certain other ideas of populations =)
] Is not known [of the credit: Would be supposed I closes my burden of credit?
Now I have used my card of ancienter by 9 months because it was unique I I had quite virtuous the credit so that I am applied [xen]. Then of me I have paid therefore my card balance in time and totally, and to my it hurts it credit must to him go for above enough. I am eligible now for best cards with the remunerations and the less wage. Ridiculous wage of costs of the bank for little much all, even must you of Ancienter 11,00 when you pay the costs in his card! But is these 9 months the majority history of excellent credit, thus they would be i if they close the burden or they continue the wage in the name of good history of credit?
] Is not known [of the hair: With whom it colors the hair appears better inside? (Square including)?
I put this precedent, but I did not take many answers and they enough are mixed. The abierto hair of the coffee is the initial, rest is experiments exact. So that one adapts, potentially, better? Or if you have you devise of anyones [allesdipote], you inform to me. Steff, H
[Aid of the work] is not known: Can somebody present/display an example to me of what summarize of bibliographies in the baby sweeps the glances like? 10 points?
It writes in the Twix barriers, but I want exact an example as much that I ask that somebody it presents/displays to me… 10 points? It uses his certain sources that exact volume therefore one it devises.
[Another one -] is not known of Europe: In whom country they are the most beautiful girls of Europe?
[Distingue and dating] is not known: the aid damages? ; ; : (;
okk. thus fodder necessity I to take braces.i m in my average decade '20. the dentist said necessity I to take certain outer teeth before he that I put above. my questions are: 1) I am scared that the aid they causes to much a pain 2) I do not want wedded using the aid any solutions in my fear?
[Video and game in line] is not known: how you put a ISO game [EAY] (committee of employees superiors) in psp?
I took the GTA: Histories of cities of the freedom [metafortonoyn]. When I put or the file in the ISO and the file of games or her says that to the degraded elements or he that present/display of no way. I have 1001and psp “softwares unalterable†I am the necessity I something metafortoso additive [trechtei] or to be supposed [] something. Or I must again make or change the press of the file? I solicit to help to him!
[Video and game in line] is not known: how you put a ISO game [EAY] (committee of employees superiors) in psp?
I took the GTA: Histories of cities of the freedom [metafortonoyn]. When I put or the file in the ISO and the file of games or her says that to the degraded elements or he that present/display of no way. I have 1001and psp “softwares unalterable†I am the necessity I something metafortoso additive [trechtei] or to be supposed [] something. Or I must again make or change the press of the file? I solicit to help to him!
[Planning and drawing] is not known: It has been existing for way to see complete Web page in a Search Engine?
[Popular Rock and] is not known: Young people specifically, what you think a person who lives this song…. “she is damaged that she makes Johnny Cash�, if you are really new you he you can still realise also how Johnny Cash great era also how its life that was symbolized and that was cruzado in the pain and the hardship and the sadnesses downtroddened of all the populations and thus does not include/understand its importance. This cover of the nails of 9 inches is exact that espumejea and expressive inside with and appears inside with saying all so that a situation I does not go too much far because you do not find really his part later of ways, (fights continuously with) million miles of length, to repair its thoughts very incompetently. He was exact really inside tonight and specifically [the anaromenos] how another one/youth that thought to the people about the hard circumstances? /[global Neolaia] has the compassion whereas the equipment or you they think that they say that “he is exact old, F this! “All the logikotitas commentaries of the reception []. Thanks.
It explores the ways in which you can declare that contractors on the technical work of CASA in order to review the event business?
Different methods exist that can be publicized its work of local opportunities to make. S''can buy a single warning to other news bulletins of the people. It will cost him very little, but it is effective because its publicity that you send in a list of people who rely on the head of the household of the news bulletin. Blogs can also start to do something with a company. It can then put an article [tipot] what you want. She can make dialogal blog, so people who read this can say what they think. The cars of the search of love blogs and they are free to do. They remember that the main Internetâ € | If it is not the answer in the question, try another Pretty Hua a family member with the businessmen EO. If you have a better answer, you see the list of Pretty Hua typing in different variations of the word of the key: businessmen EO
[Maintenance and repairs] is not known: AID! I destroyed my kitchen! ;
It used the Scottish BRITE for my office, stainless applications, and now the kitchen appears tremendous! How I can do the good one to them like the news again? ;