Open Question: I need advice for my resume or job applications...applying everywhere and no calls?

I am a 24 year old stay at home Mom. I don't mention this on my resume I am in University part-time working on Psych degree Have decent work experience but haven't worked in 2 years I've sent out over 100 resumes in person and online in the last 3-6 months...I had one interview and they didn't call me back. I see all kinds of people getting jobs so why is it so hard for me? My husband hires at his work ( not a line of work for me ) and gave me pointers, I've read like 4 books...I follow all the advice and I am applying everywhere..Even Burger King didn't call me back =/ I am applying to 90% places that are advertising for work and 10% to random places. Anything from food service, retail, warehouse, secretary ...anything!