
What do the endings -ite and -ate indicate about a polyatomic ion?
What do the endings -ite and -ate indicate about a polyatomic ion?

Answer :
The atom bound to the oxygen atoms in the ion is in a lower oxidation state in the -ite state than the -ate state. The confusion is avoided by (I think) the elegant naming of the polyatomic ion using roman numerals. E.G. SO3 2- sulfite SO4 2- sulfate Sulfur is +4 and + 6 respectively but SO3 2- sulfate IV SO4 2- sulfate VI is better and clearer, mind you, you have to know roman numerals and the rules for working out oxidation states, once you got it sorted you can work out any ion from first principles.
How did the Safavids use Shi’ite Islam as a governing tool in Persia?
What is Shi'ite? A belief? A law? How did it help Safavid Empire to exist? Please help I'm so lost. I have read the book 3 times and still can't figure out the main characteristics of the Empire.

Answer :
i doubt u read the books 3 times
What is the difference between Shia (Shi'ite) Muslims and Sunni and are they against each other?
What is the difference between Shia (Shi'ite) Muslims and Sunni and are they against each other? Do both do the same things in worship and have the same customs?

Answer :
In short: The original debate was about who would succeed Mohammed. Currently: Sunnis represent 85% of the Muslim world. Shiites are based primarily out of Iran. Sunnis have a lot more room for interpretation of the classic Muslim texts. When Muslims aren't fighting against the West or other religions, they're fighting against each other.