Senior police have briefed MPs and political leaders, including Cameron, that well-known gang leaders were at the centre of the second and third day of the looting, even though the majority of rioters were not gang members.
young people
involved in gang activity
- Prisons often had the least well-developed approach to managing the range of issues for young people involved in gang activity while they were in custody, with some young offenders' institutions developing mechanisms to keep known gangs apart, which risked reinforcing gang identity and replicating the "postcode boundaries" of gangs in the community.
"Young people themselves said that gang membership was a source of protection, but also of a source of fear and that friendship, territoriality and 'respect' defined and justified gang activity. We are committed to working with partners to tackle gang-related crime and provide support to help people leave the gang lifestyle."
Introduced in the Policing and Crime Act 2009 and modelled on precedence in California, these civil injunctions allows local authorities and police to ban named individuals from engaging or assisting in gang activity, including wearing distinctive colours or entering rival territory. The violence started in the gritty north London neighborhood of Tottenham, after a lethal police shooting.