The Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss Program is a start, reports Wright. People searching for rapid weight loss, often stumble upon Internet information (advertising and forums) regarding the hCG diet. The problem is people do not understand the that the Diet Doc hCG Diet is not like any other hCG diet in existence reports Wright. Diet Doc doctors collaborate frequently on the evolution of their proprietary, medically, supervised weight loss program reports Wright. Dr. Shelton reports; the original Simeons hCG diet is 50 years old. The Simeons diet recommends people consume 500 calories per day. The Los Angeles Diet Doc location reports that patients come to them who were previously on a 500 calorie per day diet. Diet Doc doctors knew they had to develop a better solution. This is when Diet Doc hCG Weight Loss developed support products that are stand-alone weight loss products by themselves. Diet Doc reinvented or modernized the hCG diet, but still captured the 1 pound of weight loss per day by combining 4 weight loss programs rolled into one overall program reports Dr. Shelton.
Diet Doc doctors are highly trained experts in the field of weight loss.