Green said volunteers based in Massachusetts are reaching out to their neighbors to promote Warren’s candidacy.
Green said that if Warren decides not to run, the money can be used to support other progressive candidates.
Last week, Warren signed up two Massachusetts political veterans to consult on her campaign should she decide to run: Doug Rubin, a former chief of staff and top political advisor to Governor Deval Patrick, and Kyle Sullivan, Patrick’s former communications director.
Massachusetts GOP chairman Jennifer Nassour countered: “If the Massachusetts Democratic primary were decided by Washington insiders and policy wonks in ivory towers, Professor Warren would likely be the front-runner. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee and member Michael Wayshak want Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren to challenge Wrentham Republican Scott Brown.
Sharon resident Michael Wayshak is part of a grassroots Progressive group campaigning to draft Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren to run for U.S. Senate against Wrentham Republican Scott Brown, reports.
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is spearheading the effort, which had more than 47,000 supporters as of Thursday, reported.
Newton Mayor Setti Warren, a Democrat, met with Sharon voters at a resident's home Sunday.