Summer and the markets are flooded with fresh fruits and beautiful, and inviting palate Arabs. There are many myths about the fruits of summer. On the one hand it is known that large fruits have sugar, so they may become obese, on the other they are considered nutritious, daily recommended integrated into the menu. Dr. Gila Rosen, director of the Clinical Nutrition Department at Rambam Medical Center and Dana Weiner, a clinical dietitian and assistant director of the department help us put things in order.
"Israeli society is spreading a praiseworthy trend in more and more people understand the importance of a healthy balanced diet and strive to adopt a healthy lifestyle," says Dr. Rosen and restrictions, "however there is a problem because the definition of what that 'healthy eating' has become elusive and the public simply confused . There are a variety of experts in a variety of recommendations dispersants many information sources. In addition there are constantly new studies and follow dietary recommendations change frequently. This sows confusion and certainly gives rise to a need to present things in an orderly fashion. "
Weiner stresses that despite the fluctuations and innovations in the recommendations regarding diet, specifically access to vegetables and fruits did not change over time, "the recommendation to eat too much fruit and vegetables has been around for many more years and you can not refute or argue with the knowledge that the fruits promote health."
Health Benefits
Weiner, and Rosen count the health benefits of fruits and indicate first and foremost the many studies, have proven their effectiveness in preventing gastrointestinal malignancies and their contribution to health, thanks to fiber found in them. Also, they say, proof fruit consumption, helping to prevent lung cancer.
Another advantage is two different sweet taste and evening of sweet summer fruit, whose wealth in fiber also contributes to a feeling of fullness. Dr. Rosen: "While the fruits are rich in sugar and should limit the amount of fruits daily intake, especially in patients with diabetes, but they are still considered food-calorie low and they certainly are better than the sweets and desserts of all kinds. Consumption to no harm trying to keep weight normal body and are an excellent source of natural and healthy sugar used by the body for immediate energy needs. "
Weiner has other advantages: "water-rich fruits and therefore they contribute to normal body fluid balance, something especially important during the summer; including multi-donor body fluids throughout the seasons and especially important for the health and beauty skin and hair.
Also, fruits are a rich food source of vitamins and antioxidants from natural sources. Thus, they contain high levels of Vitamin C and unique materials that are important to Thai health body, to preserve the skin and build collagen. And minerals such as potassium contribute to reduce problems such as hypertension.
Another major advantage of summer fruits is the contribution to the balance of acid - base body correctly. Fruit intake prevents excessive blood acidity, keeping bone health and reduces calcium loss from the body. "
Dr. Rosen sheds light on the quantity and the way they have to consume the fruits of summer: "During the day you should consume fruits of all colors of the rainbow, each color contributes something unique to our health. Thus, lycopene-rich red fruit and antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of malignancies, diabetes and heart disease and help the body in slowing aging.
"Yellow and orange fruits contain mainly vitamin A and vitamin C are essential to the immune system, contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases as cancer and slowing aging.
"Blue and purple fruits contain high-dose antioxidants, have anti-inflammatory properties, protecting the health of blood vessels and heart, help prevent cancer and slow the aging body.
"Green fruits contain essential vitamins and minerals and a variety of antioxidants that help maintain healthy skin and blood vessels."
In addition, recommend Dr. Rosen and Weiner to keep eating the fruit, thus: "you should consume whole fruit rather than juice, because fruit juices, especially filtered, almost no fiber. Eat fruits when they are ripe and unripe. When possible, eat the fruit with the peel because the peel are vitamins, minerals and fiber. "
Nutritional Information
As mentioned, the summer fruits high in sugar and consumption if the pattern is not dense. So we know exactly how much to consume their values specify two nutritional and health advantages of fruit and favorite popular summer in Israel:
"Medium peach has about 45 Jewish National Fund, 9 g carbohydrates, 1.8 g fiber, 225 mg potassium, 8 mg vitamin C and folic acid 5 mg.
Watermelon, which is made up of mostly water, contains many vitamins such as B5, B3, B6 and beta carotene. In addition, the melon is an effective source of lycopene (like tomatoes) and other antioxidants like vitamin C. A serving of watermelon supplies about a quarter of the recommended daily dose for an adult of vitamin C. Glass cubes of watermelon contains about 50 Jewish National Fund, 11 g carbohydrates, 1 g fiber, 15 mg vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. Besides eating the fruit can be easily black watermelon seeds or nuts for making bricks and make them edible oil. Nuclei fat source rich in fatty acids and polyunsaturated.
The grapes on a variety of colors recommended to consume in any way, rural, wine, raisins, jam, jelly, vinegar, grape seed extract, grape seed oil or molasses. Cup of grapes which is about 100 grams of fruit, about 25-30 grapes, contains 60 of the JNF. Eating grapes enriches the daily menu with vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and magnesium, potassium, B vitamins and fiber. Grapes are a source of food rich Bflbonim - nutrients are active, and Fitonotriintim, giving grapes the special color and health benefits. of them have antioxidant properties that may protect against cancer, atherosclerosis, cataracts and even contribute to slowing the aging process. Also, grapes contain more than 1,600 compounds activity. the main ones: resveratrol - an antioxidant, which is mainly grape skins and seeds, anthocyanins - a group of plant pigments and polyphenols - antioxidants that are mostly red grapes. Many studies have shown that these compounds can help prevent many diseases, including cancer, other blood pressure, heart disease and vascular atherosclerosis and infections of all kinds. Nevertheless, it is important to note that grapes contain an average of about 18 grams carbohydrate content 16 g of simple sugars such glucose and fructose. Therefore it is important to sufficiently limitation in the case of diabetes is not balanced and a tendency to high triglycerides.
Also a hotel, a typical summer fruit and popular, has many health benefits. The hotel is distinguished from the long orange yellow hotel round for the different contribution of each health. Thus, the hotel is very rich orange vitamin C and 100 g There are about 37 mg vitamin C (more orange). Also, the orange hotel is an important source Ahakrtnuidim - pigments and antioxidants, that give the hotel its special color. Hotel also orange contains important vitamins from group B, folic acid and important minerals like potassium and magnesium. because this content of nutrients essential, hotel orange to lower risk of heart disease, vascular and cancer. Hotel Yellow is an important source of potassium and of course, is rich in vitamin C but relatively poor Carotenoids . two melons are rich in carbohydrates, relatively low in fiber and contain 90 percent water. nutritional value is 34 to 36 JNF 100 grams and about 60 JNF cup chopped cantaloupe chunks.
Also the delicious plum can be eaten as fresh fruit, dried fruit, in the form of jam, juice or wine, or integrated into any dish he. Plums known to us all in a variety of colors, textures and sizes, all with significant positive attributes and are an excellent source of dietary fiber. Plums help in situations of constipation and popular treatments are perceived as food relieves fever that has also to help treat liver diseases.
Perry used the JNF has about 15 fruit, and is a rich source of potassium, magnesium and fiber. Kernel used is a high concentration of material used in some cases the treatment of cancer.