"She is at home, and she is happy," said von Anhalt. The Hungarian-born, glamour-loving actress' condition deteriorated after she underwent hip-replacement surgery after she broke her hip while trying to get into her wheelchair.
This time, she was scared. Afterward, von Anhalt met with reporters and photographers at the end of the driveway.
"Frederick Von Anhalt has announced a dubious Wedding Anniversary party for himself.
"Zsa Zsa Gabor (94) could not be aware of it because of her state of health and mind.
"Mr. VonAnhalt has made public statements that are not truthful concerning this alleged celebration to be held at Zsa Zsa Gabor's home in Belair in the near future. Not surprisingly, one person very important to Zsa Zsa Gabor has not been invited and that would be our friend Francesca Hilton, her only child. Mr. Von Anhalt has also announced that this celebration (or publicity stunt for himself) will have a Wolfgang Puck/Spago Anniversary Cake. Barbara Lazaroff, co-owner of Spago, has responded to this. Also VonAnhalt claims falsely the photo on that billboard is their wedding picture. "VonAnhalt said publicly that Angie Dickinson and Jacquie Stallone have RSVP'd to the party. Francesca Hilton stated that, 'my mother hardly knew Jacquie Stallone'. Well, at least it's a chance to see Zsa Zsa, if not Lainie.
These have been tough days for Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Having eluded several close calls with death, the one-time actress, Hungarian beauty queen and bon vivant remains bed-ridden in her ornate Bel Air mansion getting massages, sleeping and watching television -- a far cry from the time not that long ago when she was among the most recognizable celebrities on the planet.
It was hard not to think about her as I drove down Sunset Boulevard the other day and was struck by a billboard featuring a giant photo of Zsa Zsa and her ninth husband, Frederic Prinz von Anhalt, on their wedding day, nearly 25 years ago.
With Gabor having survived her 94th birthday and about to celebrate her anniversary in a lavish party this weekend, I began to muse about what makes Zsa Zsa... well Zsa Zsa.
I'd be hard pressed to call her a movie star.
Zsa Zsa actually earned two Emmy nominations for her TV work. I decided to call an expert on fame and celebrity. Like many of those who mirror her today, Zsa Zsa's romantic liaisons became a subject of huge public interest. British actor George Sanders was married to both Zsa Zsa and her older sister, Magda, though at different times.
While Paris and Lindsay both had their run-ins with the law, Zsa Zsa was masterful in capitalizing on her troubles. The incident prompted a series of television appearances and film projects for Zsa Zsa.
John Blanchette, who has represented Gabor for 29 years (a relationship that has lasted longer than any of her marriages) said that Zsa Zsa's unique personality cemented her popularity. Gabor's popularity in Hollywood coincided with a Post WWII fascination with Europe.
Zsa Zsa has plenty of that.
I asked her husband, a relentless promoter known around Hollywood simply as "the prince," what life is like for Zsa Zsa these days. We talk about family and Hollywood and the Oscars. Howard Bragman, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Bragman) one of Hollywood's top celebrity publicists who is not above using a stunt or two to get publicity for his clients, told me he considers this latest move "grotesque."
Prince of what? Zsa Zsa, he added, is bigger than life and it's his job to "blow everything up" to make sure she remains huge in the public's mind.
wait for it....Beverly Hills Municipal Judge Charles Rubin, who handed out Zsa Zsa's 72-day jail sentence in the cop-slapping incident.
"All of Hollywood is a circus," the prince concluded. What is Hollywood if not a huckster's paradise? And if Zsa Zsa is the ringmaster, I say bring in the clowns!