30 Day Shred

Hey all,
I doubt theres anyone on SP that knows I exist, but it just feels good to have something to report. So, here I am, writing this blog.

I'm on day three of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I actually feel really good and I could've done more! I wasn't ready to stop! I usually have a hard time finishing what I start when it comes to weight loss. So I really hope that if i need a push, all of you wonderful people out there will help me!

I also just wanted to record my measurements for future reference so,
bust: 36"
waist: 31"
hips: 41"
thighs: 25.5"

and my current weight is 162; I think I've gained some muscle because I weighed less a few days ago.

So thank you for reading this and I hope to help encourage all those who need it!
