Asbestos Lawsuits and Lung Cancer Patients

Did you know that even if you smoked, your lung cancer may be due to something outside of your control?

If you ever worked with or around asbestos, then your lung cancer may have been caused or exacerbated by the exposure -
even if you smoke or once smoked
. And if your asbestos exposure can be linked to your lung cancer, you may be entitled to a significant financial settlement.

It’s been proven that many companies that manufactured asbestos products knew very early on that asbestos exposure was harming and killing their workers, but did nothing to warn or protect them from harm. “Failure to warn” now forms the basis of most asbestos litigation.

Asbestos lawsuits cost you nothing – asbestos attorneys only receive a fee if they win the case on your behalf, awarding you the compensation you need and deserve.

What to expect when you file a lung cancer lawsuit
The process of filing asbestos lawsuits is straightforward.

1. After you contact us and the determination has been made that you might have a valid claim, your asbestos attorneys will work with you to gather the details of your case. The next step is filing a complaint and prosecuting your case.

2. Most often cases are resolved prior to going to trial, but if such a settlement cannot be reached, your case will be moved into the trial phase. In a trial, both sides will have an opportunity to present their cases, and a jury will decide on the outcome.

3. It’s important for victims to act quickly, because different states have different time limits on when claims may be filed.

This process is based on a contingency fee – meaning there is absolutely no cost to you at any point in the process.This allows anyone, without regard to income or social standing, the ability to get justice for their injuries.

What kind of settlement can you expect from a lung cancer lawsuit?

While every asbestos lung cancer lawsuit is different, settlements for asbestos lung cancer typically average about $100,000.