[ Primary & Secondary Education ] Open Question : What jobs lead you to becoming a millionaire?

Hello, I am going to be choosing my A-Level courses tommarow and I would like to know what courses shall I pick to make me become a millionaire before the age of 30. I know business studies is one, but is there any other jobs that I can go for that will give me good money to become a millionaire? Something like Movies Industry where I make/edit movies in computer softwares to make good action movies and etc...? Or any other job except doctor or law that could make me become a millionaire? I'm ready for doing business but I would like to know if there is any other course that would lead me to a job which have the most money in it.. I would like you guys/girls to help me out on this one please, tell me what courses is good and what job should I be looking for the most that will make me become a millionaire... Thanks!