I had my son 14 months ago, have been breastfeeding, and period has not yet returned. I had a paragard IUD inserted 3 months ago, and it has been pretty much unnoticeable. About a month ago, I started having mild cramps that felt like menstrual cramps, and I kept thinking I was about to have my period, but it never happened. I even had a spot of blood two different times, but nothing more. I have been having light cramps the last few days, enough that I decided I would call the doctor, and then I started having some light bleeding, and then it slowed down to pretty much nothing. I plan to call the doctor tomorrow, but my question is - do you think this is my period? Is this a problem with the IUD? Could it be pregnancy and the IUD is complicating it? I hear that your first period after pregnancy is usually very heavy, and so far this is super mild, so it makes me think that it is not it. Thank you!