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Open Question: I have soulder pain every time expect when sleep, what is the cause of it? and how can i treat it?
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Open Question: Why do we get cold sores ?
[ Cleaning & Laundry ] Open Question : how many wa...
[ Media & Journalism ] Open Question : I NEED AN A...
Open Question: Where is the best place to advertis...
[ Other - Music ] Open Question : Whats Your Favor...
[ Other - Health ] Open Question : I'm sleeping a ...
[ PC ] Open Question : Download Vampire Brides: Lo...
Al Qaeda: We kidnapped French workers
[ Desktops ] Open Question : Where can i buy a HP ...
[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : what does it ...
Open Question: Where can I watch 90210 season 3 ep...
Open Question: can i do the 215 and 220 licence on...
Open Question: Micro Award...........................
Open Question: Is anyone a member on Loop Net?
Open Question: How many dollars is 500 pounds?
Open Question: a speech about health and hygiene?
Open Question: Is feeling greedy everytime I eat bad?
Open Question: What are the natural treatments to ...
Open Question: What's going on, where is my money?
Open Question: Survey: What do you think when you ...
Australia warns of terrorism at India Games
Open Question: Pure Vegetarians! What Do You Think...
Open Question: how do i get an hourly job fast?
Open Question: can someone please explain to me ho...
Open Question: Histrionic Personality Disorder - k...
Open Question: how can i make a loan?
Open Question: Which female has a handsome face?
Open Question: Do you know a good French movie whi...
Open Question: Need Someone In The Field of Social...
[ Other - Skin & Body ] Open Question : Which BB c...
Open Question: good quote from movie or song?
Mexican newspaper to cartels: We do not want more ...
Open Question: POLL: What's That In Your Pocket?
Open Question: Poll: Are you still up? What time i...
Open Question: difference between stock and shares?
Open Question: Whats away an 12 year old girl coul...
Open Question: What would a bartender or a waitres...
Open Question: What would cause the tops of both f...
Open Question: where can i go to find out about jo...
Open Question: What would cause the tops of both f...
[ Rap and Hip-Hop ] Open Question : If u had to fo...
Open Question: 14 loosing a stone or more!?
Sweden's Left concedes defeat in historic election
Open Question: POLL: Have you ever been to a shrink?
Open Question: no inheritance tax in 2010?
Open Question: vaginal problems help please?
Open Question: When do u take Hydroxycut?
Open Question: Does anyone know that old TV show t...
Open Question: Extra body hair??? I'm only 15!!?
Open Question: Does anyone know that old TV show t...
Open Question: When will I get my first period?
Open Question: Vulcan Swimsuit Company is consider...
Open Question: Is Sylvester Stallone a terrible ac...
Open Question: Ideas for my character's appearance?
Open Question: do you have to pay by card when you...
Open Question: what is the difference of passing o...
[ Cell Phones & Plans ] Open Question : How long d...
Open Question: What foods are high in Potassium? S...
Open Question: I'm 5'3 and 131 lbs am I fat?
Open Question: Why do I keep doing this?
Pope praises Britain for resisting Nazis
[ Hair ] Open Question : are all of you blonde gir...
Open Question: Should l go back on a different bra...
Open Question: Do Filipino shows obtain legal righ...
Open Question: urgent help relating to dental cavi...
Open Question: Do Filipino shows obtain legal righ...
Open Question: what are some ceo benefits ?
Open Question: Does anyone know the name of the so...
Open Question: How do I get an email LIST for free...
Open Question: Plz tell what is Front office work ...
Open Question: Is it legal for a landlord to renig...
Powerful Hurricane Igor moves in on Bermuda
Open Question: What's the best career path to beco...
Open Question: Is it legal for a landlord to renig...
Open Question: is chuck bass dead?!?!?
Open Question: Do you like to kill ants?
Open Question: Solutions manual for managerial acc...
Open Question: Been depressed since I was 7. I'm 1...
Open Question: Contacted by different collection a...
Open Question: Are sore nipples normal after takin...
Open Question: PLEASE HELP!! i was a drug baby and...
Taiwan braces for Fanapi
Open Question: How can i fall asleep fast?
Open Question: what could be a reason my period wo...
Open Question: watery people: how much do you "ret...
Open Question: I think we should go ahead a DEFINE...
Open Question: What do the automatic checkouts at ...
Open Question: How to take creatine caps properly?
Open Question: There was a piece of skin caught on...
Open Question: What is the best minor with a major...
Open Question: why do people always feel the need ...
Pope meets with abuse victims, expresses 'sorrow'
Open Question: What is the best minor with a major...
Open Question: did you know they made urinals for ...
Open Question: Need your valuable suggestions. Car...
Open Question: what is the difference between face...
Open Question: Watch Maryland vs West Virginia || ...
Open Question: stubbed toenail falling off?
Open Question: what´s the best type of music?
Open Question: If I use my mom's credit card (Just...