What is the best once monthly colon cleanse to use? I would prefer not to use an enema. Thanks.
why do think you need to clean out your colon once a month? not necessary. Just eat high fiber diet and the colon will take care of the rest. taking laxatives will change the lining of your colon. It can also make your colon dependent on these laxatives. your body was designed to take care of its self with proper diet.

Bromalite is the best colon cleanse I ever came across. It is effective to it's core. Helps to cleanse the colon, get rid of any parasitic presence inside the colon and at the same time relieve the users from stress. It has a natural composition which contains probiotic and antioxidants to create a feeling of wellness. It helps reduce fats and help to discard the harmful deposits from our body without any side effects. It has natural ingredients like grape seed extracts, mangosteen and many more essential and beneficial micro products.