Lose Weight Fast
In this article we are going to show you some sensible PROVEN Ways to lose weight fast.
1. Drink water
2. Eat regularly
3. Eat lots of fibre
4. Consume more good fats
5. Get plenty of quality protein
6. Carbohydrates can help you lose weight
- Healthy life every day!

Unless 'super' suggests a name brand, there is no such thing as super colon cleanse. If you are planning to Cleanse your Colon, make sure that you :
1. Follow the manufactures guide properly,
2. Taking more does not mean that the job is being done any faster or more effectively, as a matter of fact, taking more than the required amount may be harmful to your health, and
3. Make sure you choose a natural Cleanser, I do recommend Bowtrol Colon Cleanser
Finally, Yes, colon cleansing sure do make you lose weight due to the complete removal of years build up of decayed fecal matter and their toxins.
There isn't even a NEED to cleanse your colon. Your body does that on it's own just fine. In fact, you may actually GAIN weight from it.
It's basically a huge scam.