(STR/REUTERS)A water-filled flood berm at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station was punctured by machinery and deflated Sunday, according to Mike Jones, aspokesperson from Omaha Public Power District. But officials say the seepage at the station, which has been shut down for refueling since April, posed no safety risk. “The plant is still protected. This was an additional, a secondary, level of protection that we had put up,” Jones said toCNN. “The plant remains protected to the level it would have been if the aqua berm had not been added.” The Cooper Nuclear Station,located about 80 miles south of Omaha, is still dry and operating.Since the deadly earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March caused meltdowns and radiation leaks at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, a debate over the safety of nuclear energy has been raging.Andrew C. Kadak, a former professor of nuclear engineering at M.I.T., told theNew York Times that nuclear plants can sit until water recedes as long as there’s power. “The Fukushima lesson is really that you’ve got to have electricity,” he said.