Though I have no intention of voting for any of the Republican candidates, I watched them debate in New Hampshire on June 13. It offered nothing new and no surprises. There they were, whining about an ad by Democrats demonizing the Ryan Medicare plan, while repeating the howler that the CBO reported that the Affordable Care Act will cost 850,000 jobs. Just for the record, here's a quote from that CBO report:

“The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the legislation, on net, will reduce the amount of labor used in the economy by a small amount — roughly half a percent — primarily by reducing the amount of labor that workers choose to supply. That net effect reflects changes in incentives in the labor market that operate in both directions.”
That's right. For Republicans it's a job loss if someone stops working when he/she no longer needs group insurance. The amount of such “job loss” is nowhere near 850,000 either. These people know the truth, but they also know that a lie repeated often enough gains credibility with those who don't know the facts. It's called the magic of compound deception.