My name is Serenia, I have been over at the Colloid cyst forum for a few years. But this is not about me.
This is about my husband. He has the following symptoms, and we are getting very concerned.
Always tired - a lot more than normal.
Cramps and a feeling that his rectum is always full.
Is not eating much, spends a lot of time on the toilet trying to pass BM.
When he does pass it is like narrow ribbon or liquid
red blood in stools - sometimes bright red and sometimes dark red
he does have hemarroids (SP)
he was been told by family doctor just last week that one hemaroid (sp) is inflamed and raw
No weightloss and no vomiting yet.
He has an appointment with the gastroenterologist Sept 11 - unable to get any earlier appointment.
We are concerned that he may have colon cancer.
Can a raw open hemarroid (sp) cause all these symptoms or not?

Hi Serenia, I hope your husband is doing ok. I know that hemerhoids (sp) can cause a lot of bleeding when they are raw. The straining causes them to bleed. Has he ever had a colonoscopy? You didn't say how old he is, but if he is 50 or older he should be having them regularly. I just turned 50 but have been them for over 15 years.
He could be running very slow due to medications he takes (thats what my problem) anything from anti depressants to muscle relaxants can cause this to happen.
I have a suggestion, for $2 you can buy a small bottle og Magnesiun Citrate. Have him drink 2oz every ten minutes until done with the bottle(12oz I think). He then needs to stay very close to the toilet. This will clean him out very quickly. It is important to stay on clear liquids for the day of the cleansing.
Some people can't handle a lot of fiber, even though we are told to eat 25-30 grams per day. This can also cause constipation.
I have ALL the symptoms your husband does and I don't have cancer as of July this year.
My GP has always ordered my Colonoscopies and endoscopies. Don't let them just do a Sigmoidoscopy as it just does the sigmoid colon, not the entire colon!
I hope this has helped a bit! I an sending you my thoughts and prayers! Try to stay calm until you know for a fact what is going on. I know it is hard, believe me I have been there.
Take care,
Serenia, I had colon cancer over five years ago. I also had a history of a hemorrhoid that occasionally bled, which caused me to ignore the blood in my stool. Sometimes dark, sometimes a brighter red. Luckily I had a colonoscopy followed by colon surgery just in time, since my tumor had not quite penetrated the colon wall. I hope by now that your husband's problem has been diagnosed and solved in a positive way. Colon cancer can be completely removed, with no chemotherapy, etc. needed IF it has not penetrated the colon wall. The important thing here is TIME. Bleeding is a serious symptom. Never wait and see. Too many have suffered and died from this cancer by putting off the doctor visit!