There are a lot of scams out any of you know any SAFE, colon cleansing recipes? Preferably herbal.
I would recommend staying away from all packaged "colon cleanse" products as most are simply a waste of money - with a few being potentially dangerous to your health.The absolute best choice is to speak with a naturalpathic doctor about it. He/she would review your overall health, medications, medical needs, lifestyle etc and make an educated recommendation.But if you aren't able to do that, there is a simple one day cleanse that should be safe for you. for one day only - eat only oranges and drink only white grape juice and water. It will clear out anything that may be blocked, sticking to the sides etc. As it is an only a one-day cleanse its easy to fit into your schedule.That being said, I would like to say that I agree with some of the other answerers who listed that a diet with lots of fresh fruit, veggies and water will also work. this is quite true but sometimes people don't eat as well as they should, so a periodic cleanse is usually ok to do. But again, only a qualified Naturalpathic Doctor could say for sure.I hope that helps.

Your colon does not need cleansing. If you eat a healthy mix of foods, including plenty of fruits and vegetables and grains, your colon will do just fine. There is nothing in there that doesn't belong there. Please appreciate the wonderful body nature has given you. Your teeth do not need whitening, your natural hair color is perfect for you, your breasts are just the right size and natural small beats fake large any day.
Its safe and less painful than a prostate exam. lol
I am young and I have never had my colon cleanse but they say it is healthy to have it done when you get around your thirties to help prevent prostate and colon cancer. I say get it done with a product that gives at least a free trial offer. Ima look for sum and if i find one I will post a link for it.
lots of water and lots of resh fruits and veggies.