I'm in the process of doing a diet but first want to do a colon cleanse. I want to clean out my system before dieting. Which colon cleanser works best and helps you lose weight too?
Colon cleansing has absolutely no medical benefit and is in fact harmful to the digestive tract.There is no "build up" of bad plaque or sludge in a normal system. If this was the case we would have people dying left and right from malnutrition since their bodies couldn't absorb nutrients.We "cleanse and detox" 24 hours a day through respiration, sweat, liver, and kidneys.We can help by eating a healthy diet with minimal added sugar and salt. Lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain foods, beans, peas, and brown rice keep a system as healthy as it can be.Minimal alcohol, caffeine, soda.Read food labels. If you can't pronounce it, don't put it in your body.Colon cleanses actually flush out the beneficial bacteria and enzymes in the digestive system.These con artists have perfected a formula for coagulating your waste to make it look like the gross pictures they present, not to do anything else.Spend your money in the produce department instead of giving it away.

If your suffering from unpleasant symptoms like chronic constipation, backache, continual headaches, constant fatigue, or bloated abdomen - It could be early warning signals of a dysfunctional colon at serious risk of making you sicker each day it goes untreated.Try the natural colon cleanse method is sure to make you healthier, boost your energy levels, and make you mentally sharper to take on your life's challenges. It destroys most chronic constipation (toxic buildup in the lower bowel) caused by the harmful processed foods you eat.In a high-paced modern society, most foods we eat are dangerously high in bad chemicals such as synthetic preservatives, dyes and insecticides. We're practically living in a "junk food nation" with little nutritional value and almost zero fiber intake (the colon needs a HIGH fiber diet intake to maintain a healthy function)Thankfully due to modern technology and advancements, there are a few decent colon cleanse methods out on the market today, but few are natural in it's application and has zero side effects (due to it's primary natural ingredients). A prescription for an unhealthy colon is usually the first choice that comes to mind, but few people tell you of the doctor bills and costly prescription itself.You could save several thousands on medical prescription pills and doctor visits using such ingredients like flax seeds, aloe leaf, ginger, barberry, and fennel (unless you have a serious chronic colon problem that goes beyond what any natural ingredient may be able to solve).There's several natural colon cleanse methods you can use today in combination with a great diet, healthy eating, and regular exercise. The biggest challenge is finding the right one for you and your specific needs.
The Diet Solution Program - That's all I can say. It helped me lose almost 30 lbs.I'm not sure this is what you are looking for but check it out, it has helped a lot of people.I used to try all the "house cures" like lemon water, potaoe water etc, the list is long.I urge you to have a look this, it will help you to lose weight I'm sure.
the master cleanse. aka lemonade diet. ive done it and i lost 22 pds in 10 days i only weighed 125 pds before doing it. its hard but it reallly pays off!