After the wedding, Stodden's parents spoke publicly about their love for Doug and their daughter. They entered a zone of too much information, though, when they revealed that "Courtney was a virgin when she married [Hutchison]" and stated that she is "a good Christian girl." But, is she?

The photos now showing up online seem to paint a totally different picture of the 16-year-old bride. Courtney Alexis Stodden is now a household name so she should know that photos will come out that show a different, much naughtier side. After all, she posed for the photos thus she had to know they existed!
The young girl, who had to have had some work done even though her parents adamantly deny it, can be seen posing in nothing but the American flag and in a bikini looking very sultry for someone so young. The photos don't show a 16-year-old acting like "a good Christian girl," do they?
Will these photos hurt the aspiring country singer? Probably not. As with many cases of celebrities showing more than they should, the photos will probably make her even more of a household name. Sad, but true; unfortunately.
(via Gather)