The amount of weight you can lose with a colon cleanse depends on how much matter is left in your intestines. The average person has 5-20 pounds of matter, so you can lose a decent amount. I recommend Preventive Nutrition® Complete Body Cleansing Program from GNC, available for $39.99.
Elvis had 22lb of waste in his bowel, nobody can estimate,truthfully depends on how much googy stuff you eat!!!!

The best and fastest way to clean is is with water. Everyday in hospitals they give enemas to constipated people. See site below on how easy it is to do at home plus it explains how you can lose 5 to 15 pounds with an enema. It is a trick models and dancers use before an event to flatten tummy. I do not know if Britney Spears does it before her music videos but she has a flat stomach on them. Site also has info on best colon cleanser but it takes days and you can gain weight at first with it. Either way you choose the home page tells how to keep it clean.
I just finished 10 weeks on Robert Grey's colon cleansing program. You can buy his products at Holistic Horizons. I have to say the program is challenging - you take herbal tablets about 4 times a day with psyllium husks in water each time. But let me tell you, it was so worth it! You would not believe what is embedded in your colon. I "released" (another word for pooped out) approximately 47 long old ropey pieces of plasticy hardened stuff. I'm not exaggerating and I kept a journal. Day after day this very old and very hardened material passes easily from your body. Instinctively you know it has to be better out than embedded in your colon. I highly recommend Robert Grey's book, you can order it at Holistic Horizons. Good luck!!!