gop debate : Mitt Romney’s Frontrunner Status Remains Intact
Mitt Romney, a former Massachusetts Governor and businessman, is the frontrunner among candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll that was released this week. Romney, along with six other Republican candidates, participated in the first major GOP debate on Monday, June 13. Romney, as well as Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul, is widely considered to have done well in the debate by many political commentators.“The most important thing in my life is to make sure their future is bright and that America is always known as the hope of the Earth,” said Romney to the audience as he introduced himself during Monday’s debate at St. Anselm college in Manchester, New Hampshire.Romney’s frontrunner status was once again solidified by the latest CNN poll. Twenty-four percent of Republican voters selected Romney from a list of GOP candidates when asked “which candidate you would be most likely to support for the Republican nomination for President in the year 2012?” Romney’s support in a CNN poll, conducted at the end of May, was only at 15 percent.Sarah Palin, who hasn’t officially entered the race, grabbed 20 percent of the Republican vote as compared to 13 percent in a CNN poll last month. Palin’s rising popularity may be due to her recent stint in the national spotlight during her “One Nation” bus tour. Palin’s bus tour took her up and down the East Coast from the Rolling Thunder ride to the Granite State.Paul, Bachmann, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Hunstman and Rick Santorum all grabbed less than 10 percent of the Republican vote in the CNN poll.On Thursday, a Public Policy Polling poll also identified Romney as the GOP front-runner. Romney received 22 percent of the Republican vote in this poll, while Herman Cain beat out Palin for second place with 17 percent of the Republican vote.
(via The State Column)