Kimberly Stewart and the Oscar-winning actor Benicio Del Toro have welcomed a baby girl. Stewart stunned fans in April after announcing she was pregnant with the actor's baby. Kimberly's father Rod Stewart and his wife Penny Lancaster were reportedly at the hospital during the delivery - as was the model's mother Alana Collins. Penny gave birth to the couple's second son Aiden in February 2011.
Kimberly Stewart was previously engaged to Talan Torriero, the star of Mtv reality show 'Laguna Beach'. Kimberly Stewart gave birth to a baby girl Sunday in L.A. Oscar-winner Benicio del Toro's rep confirmed to Us Weekly in April that he was the father.
A source tells Us that Rod, 66, and his current wife Penny Lancaster-Stewart were at the hospital during Kimberly's delivery. Alana Collins, who is Kimberly's mother and Rod's first wife, was also present.
The baby — who has yet to be named — was 22 inches long and weighed 8 lbs 9 oz.
Kimberly Stewart has given birth to her first child - a daughter whose father is Oscar winner Benicio del Toro.
Stewart is no longer in a relationship with actor Benicio del Toro