9stitches! Gnarly gash over my left eye! Luv the people. Lil Wayne suffered a head injury when he had an accident at a skate park in St. Louis. 9stitches! Gnarly gash over my left eye! Luv the people,” the rapper Tweeted after leaving the hospital. Lil Wayne is not the first celebrity to suffer a head injury. Above all else, hopefully people will learn to start wearing a helmet when riding bikes, bicycles and scooters.

“The study showed that wearing a helmet during sports like skiing and snowboarding provides better protection to sportspersons. Among hospitalized patients, about 16 percent had fractures of the face or skull bone if they wore a helmet. Among the helmeted, skull cap fractures were 5 percent and among the non-helmeted, similar fractures affected around 37 percent of patients. Lil Wayne said Monday he is recovering after gashing his head at a St. Louis-area skateboard park.
KTVI-TV reported that Lil Wayne, accompanied by a large entourage, showed up Sunday at DePaul Health Center’s emergency room.

Hospital spokeswoman Jamie Newell said she could not confirm Lil Wayne was at the hospital, citing privacy laws. “The Lou was good but I busted my ... head at the sk8park! 9stitches! Messages left with Lil Wayne’s management on Monday were not returned. Lil Wayne is about to release his new album, “The Carter IV.” “The Carter IV” will be released digitally after Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards, at which Lil Wayne will perform.