Hot Flash

A controlled study involving nearly 250 US women going through "the change" found soy tablets did not abate hot flushes or bone density loss.

Hot Flash

The soy group received 200mg of soy isoflavone tablets daily for two years, while the women in the placebo group were given dummy pills.
We found soy isoflavone tablets did not provide any benefit.
"Women taking soy isoflavone tablets to alleviate hot flashes and prevent bone loss at the time of menopause might want to reconsider," she adds.

Hot Flash

During menopause a woman's body produces less estrogen and progesterone. Likewise, the soy supplements did nothing to ward off hot flashes. In fact, 48% of the women who took soy experienced hot flashes, compared with just 31% percent of those in the placebo group. Roughly one-third of the women in the soy group also reported constipation as a side effect, versus 21% in the placebo group.
So if soy isn't beneficial, what options are women left with?