The People's Councils to quit smoking

When throwing, eating green sour apples - well discourages. And, most importantly, to think that without a cigarette to hold only up to go to sleep at night. Do not think that smoking will not be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! Get a "bulls"-butts a little more, put them in a tin and cover with water, so that got wet. And in the early days, as soon pull a smoke and smell the cup - the desire to remove a hand!

Cut sprigs of lilac-long cigarette. As soon as there is a desire to smoke - chew a twig. From lilac not only weakens the desire, but it becomes disgusting the taste of cigarettes .

Before the new year you put out the last cigarette. Once that happens, you will need to prepare for some unpleasant surprises from their own body. After you remove it the usual dose of poison that was injected on a regular basis over many years.

See: now you're holding a cigarette in your mouth and inhale its smoke. From which the smoke is and what makes us?

One of its main components - carbon monoxide (which basically killed by fire), it takes away from our blood oxygen, it becomes bright red, and brown. Deprived of food, less work the internal organs and brain. The result - you choke up the stairs, and uptake and a half times worse than a nonsmoker.

Tar from tobacco (which is always visible on the filter with "bull") fill our airways and paralyze the natural cleansing mechanism of the bronchi and lungs from dust and other rubbish, which is in the air. The result - we become vulnerable, not only against cigarette smoke, and urban smog and industrial emissions.

And in cigarette x "hidden" about 500 other different chemicals, each of which individually can cause cancer, infertility, impotence, and other misfortunes. And they are "working" together!

It is clear that no one in their right mind would voluntarily consume such a "cocktail". Forces us to do this nicotine - he, like any drug, causes physical dependence.

Discontinuation syndrome: what will happen to my well-being?

When we quit smoking, the body immediately begins to change for the better. But our health is deteriorating for some time (from 1 to 3 weeks). Basically throwing face three ailments.

Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. After 3 - 7 days after discontinuation of you begins a painful cough , sputum, or without it. Sometimes there may be difficulty in breathing, feeling of fullness in the chest. Do not be afraid - the body starts cleansing the respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs, and it is not easy. To facilitate faster come, we must take thinning phlegm means - thermopsis, chest elixir, drugs containing N-acetylcysteine.

Irritability. Be prepared for the fact that the first few days you will displease those things that you previously did not stop to notice. With you there is nothing like "break", as any addict. Additionally, there may be other symptoms - pain in my heart, palpitations, hand tremors, etc.

That is why rejection is better to appoint a weekend or holiday, so as not to scare colleagues. Pets also need to warn that they did not mind coming to your anger.

What to take? Will soft soothing: Tincture Leonurus, valerian, neo-Pass.

Dizziness. In this case, you should measure blood pressure - most likely it will be greatly reduced. Cigarettes increase the pressure - that's why smoking is so dangerous for hypertensive patients. To cope with dizziness and weakness, it is recommended to take the morning infusion of ginseng, magnolia and Eleutherococcus.

They say the protesters:

- I can not say that I have reduced the number of cigarettes smoked this week, but those days that I do not smoke, have become more frequent. And much easier I can give up cigarettes . Now the most important thing for me - not to give smokers the company.

No drugs do not want to take. I feel that even with a small outside help and support I'll be able to quit smoking. In any case, I'm ready for this.

- I can answer one hundred percent - I'm ready and really want to quit smoking! Now I got a summer part-two working days, I smoke two free - no. So the number of cigarettes smoked fell somewhere in the 5 - 10 pcs. Take medication will not - I want to do everything myself.

By the way, I began to notice for themselves, that disgusts me pick up a cigarette ... and it was disgusting to taste of tobacco in his mouth! In general, I realized that I was very disgusting to smoke ...

- I am advocating that we should quit smoking immediately, but do not torture yourself with decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked. So I felt a commitment and gave a week ago. The first day, of course, difficult, but I kept myself in good spirits and not to panic. On the second day there were a lot easier, the main thing - do not dwell much on the desire to smoke, and then they can be inadvertently break.

- Things are not going to tell me that is very good, but try to reduce the number of cigarettes. By the way, my husband expressed his desire to join me in my attempts to quit smoking.

- Fulfill all your job and noticed that reduced the number of cigarettes nearly in half, completely without forcing myself. To refuse is ready, I am going to use the nicotine patch.

- It is terrible I'm afraid to get better, so for a week as reduced calorie intake and started running in the evenings. And only then I realized - be abandoned! I am only 26 years old, and shortness of breath when running as an elderly woman ...

- It is trying to smoke less, but it turns out badly. I will use nicotine replacement therapy, I hope, will help.