Quit smoking

Many smokers do not really want to smoke. In fact, they even hate smoking, it can not get rid of. Then there are still people who think they can smoke without getting sick - why should anyone stop smoking? Only when one is himself afflicted with a disease, you think it finally to quit smoking. But without the right you will be powerless against the fags. Even in one year alone, about 5 million people die from the consequences of tobacco consumption. Every year millions of euros will be invested only in tobacco.

This can save a lot of waiver with the cigarette money and protect especially valuable health. Because do not forget, you can earn money or gain, but not health. Health is not a lottery and it's no contest. Health is a blessing that we have by nature. You should keep well. Because even if health is compromised, it often takes until you are fully recovered. One cigarette contains approximately 8 to 9 milligrams of nicotine. There is enough nicotine in four or five cigarettes to kill an adult if swallowed. One more reason to stop with smoking can be. Fortunately, most smokers take only one or two milligrams of nicotine per cigarette, because the rest is burned off. However, it is sufficient to cause various respiratory diseases like bronchitis, asthma and even cancer. In cancer, lung cancer is not only meant, but also other cancers such as oral cancer and stomach cancer. If you stop smoking, you will do so even your environment a favor.

To stop smoking you can in two ways: either you accept help or you try it without assistance. Every smoker tries an average of 5 to 7 times without success in life to stop smoking. Some do not make it because others lack the will and not make it, because they have taken the wrong counter support. In addition to various methods to help quit smoking such as nicotine patches, hypnosis, or homeopathy, there is also the laser smoking cessation. It is a special laser technique that was developed for one purpose only: to stop smoking. In the 90-minute application meridians are stimulated ear. Treatment with the soft laser is without side effects and soothing the still-smoking. After just one application, you may already be smoke-free.

So you have to lose if the laser acupuncture smoking cessation and can not therefore stop smoking. Read more about smoking and to arrange an appointment today.