Kevin George, attorney for truck driver Phillip Seaton, said during opening arguments in Shelby County Circuit Court that Dr. John Patterson had not given any indication there were concerns the man might have penile cancer when he went into surgery in 2007. Seaton was undergoing a circumcision to treat inflammation.

Robinson said another doctor removed the remainder of Seaton’s penis in a later procedure.
“Mr. Seaton is here today, able to be in this courtroom ... because John Patterson saved his life,” Robinson said.
Robinson offered up a photograph of the cancerous tip of a penis — not Seaton’s.
Seaton, of Waddy, and his wife, Deborah, are seeking unspecified damages from Patterson for “loss of service, love and affection.”
Phillip Seaton was the first witness to take the stand after opening arguments.
Kevin George, attorney for truck driver Phillip Seaton, said during opening arguments in Shelby County Circuit Court that Dr. John Patterson had not given any indication there were concerns the man might have penile cancer when he went into surgery in 2007. Seaton was undergoing a circumcision to treat inflammation.

Robinson said another doctor removed the remainder of Seaton's penis in a later procedure.
Robinson offered up a photograph of the cancerous tip of a penis - not Seaton's.
Seaton, of Waddy, and his wife, Deborah, are seeking unspecified damages from Patterson for "loss of service, love and affection."
Robinson has said that Patterson “had no reasonable option” but to remove the cancer.
“Mr. Seaton’s problem was not the surgery, it was the cancer,” Robinson said in 2008.